22.52.010 Compliance required
22.52.020 Design standards
22.52.030 Improvements General requirements Streets Dedications and improvements for judicial partitions Underground utilities Structures Curbs and gutters, storm drains and culverts Sidewalks Grade of lots Sewers Drainage Water Telephone and electrical services Removal and/or relocation of utility facilities Gas Street trees Reserved Street name signs Street lighting Railroad crossings Safety devices Demolition, moving altering or conversion Supplemental size of improvements Other improvements Designated remainder parcel improvements
The standards and requirements specified in this chapter shall apply to all final maps. The require-ments applicable to a parcel map, parcel map waiver, lot adjustment, conditional certificate of compliance and parcel merger, shall be limited to the dedication rights-of-way, easements and the construction of reasonable off-site and on-site improvements for the parcel being created.
('86 Code, § 22.52.010) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )
(A) Streets and highways. Street right-of-way alignment design specifications shall conform to the standards set by the City Engineer, in accordance with the adopted corridor studies, or other standards adopted by the City Council. In the event that standards have not been adopted, the Director of Public Works shall establish the minimum, which decision may be appealed to the City Council.
(B) Alleys. Alley alignment design specifica-tions shall conform to the standards set by the City Engineer, in accordance with the adopted studies, or other standards adopted by the City Council. In the event that standards have not been adopted, the Director of Public Works shall establish the minimum, which decision may be appealed to the City Council.
(C) Private ways. Private ways may be approved only in those areas where the topography has a side slope in excess of one foot vertical rise for each four feet vertical rise for each four feet horizontal distance (4:1 slope), and where the grade of the way, measured at its centerline, is greater than 15%; and thus does not permit the development and dedication of a street or roadway conforming with the design standards established herein.
(1) The City Council may approve such a private way as a means of access only in those cases where it would be unreasonable to demand a dedi-cated street, or where the failure to so approve would constitute a denial of the use of property otherwise suitable and proper for development.
(2) A private way shall be not less than 30 feet in width, measured on a line perpendicular to the centerline of the private way in a horizontal plane, at the point where it intersects a public or private street, shall not diminish in width at any point, shall not exceed 250 feet in length, and shall have an adequate turning area at the end farthest from an intersecting intercepting dedicated street.
(3) The private way shall be improved with a paved roadway not less than 24 feet in width, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer, based upon the number of homesites utilizing the private way.
(D) Traffic-control and safety devices. The subdivider shall install all required traffic-control and safety devices, in accordance with the standards and recommendations of the City Engineer.
(E) Blocks. Blocks shall be two lots deep and not less than 200 feet in depth, measured from the frontage on one street to the frontage on the closest parallel street. Where lots back up to a street or highway and where it is intended that there shall be no access from the lot to the street or highway against which they back, a five-foot high masonry wall shall be erected in accordance with the standards of the City Engineer on the rear property line as a physical separation between the lot and the street or highway.
(F) Special blocks. Plans for special blocks, called super blocks, may be submitted to the Commission for approval when such blocks propose special design features which will provide for greater amenities than those set forth in the minimum standard provisions of this title and where no hardship is wrought on the community as a whole by the approval of such super block plans.
(G) Walkways. The subdivider may be required to dedicate and improve walkways to standards prescribed by the Commission across blocks greater than 900 feet in length, in order to provide more convenient access to school, park or other public areas.
(H) Lots.
(1) Minimum frontage and depth. All lots shall have a minimum frontage of 50 feet and a minimum depth of 130 feet and shall in all ways conform to the standards established in Title 23 (Zoning ordinance ) of this code.
(2) Minimum area; residential lots. All residential lots shall have a minimum area of 6,500 square feet. Easements over any such lot for public utility purposes shall not be considered as a reduction from the required lot area; provided, however, that the easements shall not cover more than 1/6 of the total area of such lot.
(3) Minimum area; industrial lots. All industrial lots shall have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet.
(4) Determining block face to be considered frontage. On major traffic, collector and local streets, all lots shall front upon the street that parallels the long dimension of the block. In the case of square blocks, the Commission shall determine on the basis of the exiting uses which block face shall be considered as frontage.
(5) Flag lots. Flag lots are prohibited.
(6) Double frontage. Double frontage lots are prohibited.
(7) Side lot lines. Side lot lines of rectangular lots shall be as nearly perpendicular to the centerline of the street upon which the lots front as is practical; side lot lines of lots fronting on curved streets shall be as nearly radial as is practical. Except as follows: In cases where more than 50% of the frontage on the same side of the street between inter-secting streets is already subdivided into lots, which lots are already built upon, the Commission may approve the predominant width of the existing lots in this frontage as the minimum standard; provided, however, that in no case shall the Commission approve the creation of any lot with an average width less than 45 feet and with less than 33 feet of frontage on a dedicated street.
(8) Corner lots shall be at least 10% wider than the minimum requirements for interior lots in any zone, in order to maintain required building lines for both side and front streets.
('86 Code, § 22.52.020) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )
(A) The dedication, completion and/or upgrading of all abutting and/or affected public rights-of-way and on-site and off-site public improvements shall be required as a condition of all proposed developments.
(B) The entire contiguous property ownership on which the proposed development is placed shall be considered unless there is a defined and definite separation and change in land use.
(C) The subdivider shall make all public improvements required in this title or any ordinance, prior to approval of final, parcel, or reversion to acreage maps; lot line adjustments, or conditional certificates of compliance; except when an under-taking agreement has been approved pursuant to § 22.60.010 of this title.
(D) Improvement work shall not be commenced until plans and specifications there for, prepared in accordance with approved standards, have been submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Plans and specifications shall be required prior to approval of the final map and shall become the property of the city.
(1) Pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 66456.2, the city shall review and act upon improvement plans within 60 working days of submittal, except that at least 15 working days shall be provided for processing any resubmitted improvement plan. The 60 working-day period shall not include any days during which the improvement plan has been returned to the applicant for correction, has been subject to review by agencies other than the city or, following that review, has been returned to the applicant for correction. These time limits may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the City Engineer.
(2) The city may also contract with other private entities or persons to review the improvement plans, if it determines that it is unable to meet the above-specified time limits. The city may charge the subdivider for all costs directly attributable to employing or contracting with other entities to perform the improvement plan checking services.
(E) All required improvements shall be constructed to permanent line and grade under the inspection of and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The number and classification of inspectors and engineers necessary to adequately inspect and control the various phases of the work shall be determined by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall keep a complete record of all inspections, laboratory, supervisions and appurtenant costs which shall include overhead. The City Clerk shall submit monthly to the subdivider a detailed statement of such costs. The subdivider shall pay all such costs within 15 days after receipt of such detailed statement. The work will not be accepted by the city until all such costs have been paid. The subdivider shall agree to pay for all such costs.
(F) The subdivider shall provide all necessary field engineering for the purpose of establishing lines and grades during installation of all required improvements.
(G) The subdivider shall provide all monuments, ties, calculations, notes and other survey data required by Chapter 22.56 prior to approval of the final map, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 22.60.
('86 Code, § (Ord. 4120, passed - - )
All streets, highways, ways and alleys shall be graded and paved to widths, grades and structural sections as approved by the City Engineer. The subdivider shall improve the extension of all subdivision streets, highways, ways or alleys to the intercepting paving line of any city street or alley, country road or state highway.
('86 Code, § (Ord. 4120, passed - - )