The procedures and practices for all survey work done in conduction with the preparation of the map shall conform to the provisions of Cal. Bus. & Prof. Chapter 15 (the Land Surveyor's Act of the state of California), and shall have an allowable error of closure on any portion thereof not to exceed 1/10,000.
('86 Code, § 22.56.010) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )
Pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 66495, durable monuments shall be set at the time of making the survey for the final map or parcel map. Such monuments shall conform to the standards described in Cal. Bus. & Prof. § 8771 so that another engineer or surveyor may readily retrace the survey.
('86 Code, § 22.56.020) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )
Durable monuments shall be set at all angle and curve points on the exterior boundary of subdivisions, and at points not more than 1,000 feet apart in cases where exterior boundaries between any two angle or curve points exceed the distance. Monuments shall be set as follows:
(A) All monuments shall be tagged or marked with the registration or license number of the engineer or surveyor who signed the map.
(B) A boundary monument shall not be less substantial than an iron pipe of a two-inch outside diameter, not less that 30 inches in length, with concrete plug and tag, and set no higher than flush with the surface of the ground— 2" L.P. &T.
(1) If the tag is not secured by the con-crete, a brass tack shall secure the tag. In areas subject to dishing, pipes must be set no less than six inches deep, and in areas subject to commercial culti-vation, no less than 12 inches deep.
(2) Acceptable substitute monuments are:
(a) A lead, brass tack and tag set in concrete — L.T.&T.
(b) A six-inch spike, stamped washer and tin set in A.C.— S.W.&T.
(3) Any other substitutes shall be approved in writing by the City Engineer before setting.
(C) State depth of all 2" I.P.&T.'s set on the map or use a depth of monument note.
('86 Code, § 22.56.030) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )