The office of city manager of the City of Alhambra is hereby created, and he or she shall be the administrative head of the city government and shall have supervision and control of and be head of all of the departments of the city and be responsible for their efficient administration, except as by this Charter or otherwise provided.
Editor's note: This section was amended by the voters of the city on March 26, 1996.
The city manager shall be appointed by the council and hold office at its pleasure and his or her compensation shall be fixed by ordinance by such council; provided, that such compensation shall not be fixed at less than two thousand dollars per year. Such appointment shall be made as soon as possible after the organization of the first council elected under this Charter and any vacancy in such office shall be filled by it without unnecessary delay. During the absence or temporary disability of the city manager, the council may designate some qualified person to execute the functions of his or her office.
Editor's note: This section was amended by the voters of the city on March 26, 1996.
Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, the powers and duties of the city manager shall be:
1. To see that the laws and ordinances are enforced.
2. To appoint, subject to the approval of such appointments by the council, all chief appointive officials except the city attorney.
3. To appoint all subordinates and employees in all departments, not otherwise provided for in this Charter, and to determine their duties and fix their compensation. All such appointments and the fixing of compensation shall be subject to the approval of the council and shall not be effective without such approval. To remove any appointee and no removal shall be made without his or her consent.
4. To have supervision and control of all departments, boards and divisions created herein or that may be hereafter created by the council except as otherwise provided by this Charter.
5. To examine and make to the council, reports in regard to any matters requested by it, and also of his or her own motion, and recommend to that body for adoption such measures as he or she may deem necessary or expedient.
6. To sign such contracts, licenses and other public documents and instruments on behalf of the city as the council may authorize.
7. To attend all meetings of the council with the right to take part in the discussion but having no vote.
8. To have supervision and charge of the city attorney insofar as his or her duties pertain to the departments of which he or she has charge and supervision.
9. To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are herein conferred or imposed upon him or her by this Charter or may be conferred or imposed upon him or her by the council under the provisions of this Charter.
10. Before entering upon the duties of his or her office, he or she shall take the official oath required by law and execute an official bond in such sum as shall be determined by the council.
(Stats. 1927, p. 2055)
Editor's note: This section was amended by Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 72, which was approved by the voters of the City at an election held June 7, 1966, and by Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 92, which was approved by the voters of the city at a special municipal election held November 7, 1972. This section was further amended by the voters of the city on March 26, 1996.