The chief of police shall enforce, within the jurisdiction of the city, the execution of all laws and ordinances; and for the suppression of any riot, public tumult, disturbance of the peace or resistance against law or public authorities in the lawful exercise of their functions, he or she shall have all powers that are now or may hereafter be conferred upon sheriffs by the laws of the state, and shall in all respects be entitled to the same protection, and his or her lawful orders shall be promptly executed by deputies and police officers in the city, and every citizen shall also lend aid, when required for the arrest of offenders and in maintenance of public order. He or she shall and is hereby authorized to execute and return all processes issued and directed to him or her by a court of competent jurisdiction or judge or other legal authority. He or she shall have charge of the city prison and prisoners. He or she shall devote his or her entire time to the discharge of the duties of his or her office, and subject to the Charter and such rules and regulations as the council may prescribe, shall have control of the police force. In addition to his or her duties in this Charter specified, he or she shall discharge all duties required of him or her by the laws of this state and ordinances not in conflict with this Charter.
Editor's note: This section was amended by Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 72, which was approved by the voters of the city at an election held June 7, 1966. This section was further amended by the voters of the city on March 26, 1996.
The council, subject to the provisions of this Charter, shall have power to organize the police division and change the same and make all necessary rules and regulations for its efficient administration, ordain penalties for violation thereof, establish the number of its members and the amount of their salaries, including that of the chief of police, and do all other acts necessary to the efficient equipment and operation of the police division of the city.