Parking is limited to one hour between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and public holidays on the following streets or portions thereof.
Street | Portion | Side |
Wall Street | From the intersection with Thomas Street to the intersection with McLaughlin Street. | West |
(Am. Ord. 84-12, passed 5-21-84; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 2-15-10)
Crosswalks at locations other than intersections of streets are designated and established as follows:
Street | Description |
Street | Description |
North Second Street | Directly in front of the entrance to the public parking lot maintained by the city adjacent to the city hall |
South Second Street | Directly in front of the entrance to the courthouse. |
South Second Street | 110 feet north of the intersection with Hearne Street |
North Third Street | 382 feet south of the intersection with Montgomery Avenue. |
Austin Street | 368 feet west of the intersection with Carolina Avenue |
Judy Street | 250 feet south of NC Highway 24/27 |
Public Alley | Lying adjacent and north of First Presbyterian Church, commencing at a point on the north line of the alley 19 east from the point where the north line of the alley intersects the east right- of-way line of North First Street and extends southwestwardly at a 45° angle with the north line of the alley to the point of intersection with the south line of the alley |
(Am. Ord. 90-31, passed 10-15-90; Am. Ord. 05-28, passed 7-5-05; Am. Ord. 10-06, passed 2-15-10)
The following spaces are designated as parking for handicapped persons only:
Edgemont Street | North | From the northeast corner of the intersection of Edgemont Street and Hollywood Terrace eastwardly 146 feet. |
Glenn Street
The first parallel parking space east of the intersection of Glenn Street and North second Street.
Glenn Street
The fifth parallel parking space west of the intersection of Glenn Street and North Second Street.
Montgomery Avenue | North | The fifth vehicular parking space east located 125 feet east of the northeast corner of the intersection of North Third Street and Montgomery Avenue. |
North First Street
The first three parallel parking spaces north of the intersection of North First Street and Glenn Street.
North Second Street | West | One parking space beginning 300 feet south of the intersection of North Second Street with West North Street. |
Short Street | East | The first three parking spaces beginning 65 feet south of the intersection with West Main Street. |
South Second Street | West | The first parking space north from King Avenue, located 20 feet north of the northwest corner of the intersection of King Avenue and South Second Street. |
South Second Street | West | The first parking space located immediately south of the intersection of King Avenue. |
South Third Street
The first parking space located 388 feet south of the intersection of East Main Street.
West Main Street | North | The first parking space east of the intersection of First Street and West Main Street. |
West Main Street | South | The first parking space designated for vehicular parking located 37 feet west of the southwest corner of the intersection of West Main Street and Depot Street. |
West North Street | North | One parking space beginning 150 feet west of the intersection of North Second Street with West North Street. |
West South Street | South | Located 150 feet west of the southwest corner of the intersection of South Street and South Second Street. |
(Ord. 83-32, passed 9-19-83; Am. Ord. 84-5, passed 5-7-84; Am. Ord. 88-19, passed 7-18-88; Am. Ord. 88-21, passed 7-18-88; Am. Ord. 89-3, passed 3-6-89; Am. Ord. 89-28, passed 9-5-89; Am. Ord. 96-03, passed 2-19-96; Am. Ord. 98-20, passed 4-20-98; Am. Ord. 99-32, passed 7-6-99; Am. Ord. 00- 28, passed 8-21-00; Am. Ord. 02-17, passed 4-2-02; Am. Ord. 03-02, passed 3-17-03; Am. Ord. 03-19, passed 7-21-03; Am. Ord. 03-37, passed 11-3-03; Am. Ord. 07-06, passed 3-5-07; Am. Ord. 10-06, passed 2-15-10; Am. Ord. 13-47, passed 11-4-13; Am. Ord. 17-14, passed - -17; Am. Ord. 19-32, passed - -19)
The following spaces are designated as parking for handicapped persons only:
North Third Street |
Beginning approximately 108 feet from the southwest corner of the intersection of Montgomery Avenue and North Third Street and extending south 150 linear feet therefrom.
(Ord. 03-02, passed 3-17-03; Am. Ord. 03-03, passed 3-17-03; Am. Ord. 19-43, passed 12-2-19; Am. Ord. 20-12, passed - -20)
The following streets, or parts thereof, are designated as Sunday only parking. Parking in the following areas is expressly prohibited each day, excluding Sunday.
Street | Portion | Side |
South Bell Avenue | From East Main Street to Amhurst Street | East |
(Ord. 22-09, passed 1-18-22)