The speed limit on the following city streets is 45 miles per hour.
Street | Portion |
Snuggs Park Road | From Snuggs Street to 1,000 feet south of Crestview Drive |
U.S. Highway 52 Bypass | From N.C. 24-27 to N.C. 73 (West Main Street)
(Am. Ord. 85-21, passed 8-5-85; Am. Ord. 12-25, passed 8-6-12)
The following streets shall be named or renamed the following.
Street Name | Location |
Street Name | Location |
Adelaide Street | East from Center Street to South Cotton Avenue. |
Alfred Street | West from Colston Street to dead end. |
Almond Street | North from Boyd Street to dead end and south from Boyd Street to dead end. |
Amanda Drive | East from Mountain Creek Road to cul-de-sac. |
Amhurst Street | East from Coggins Avenue to Morningside Avenue. |
Anderson Grove Church Road | North from East Main Street to Badin Road. |
Anderson Ridge Drive | East from Anderson Grove Church Road to a dead end. |
Anderson Road | South from East Main Street in a semi-circle to East Main Street. |
Apex Drive | North from Concord Road to city limit. |
Apple Lane | Northwesterly from Lee-lynn Drive to dead end. |
Aquadale Road | South from South Second Street to Henning Drive and south from N.C. 24-27 Bypass to the city limit. |
Arbor Way | North from Brenda Drive to cul-de-sac and south from Brenda Drive to cul-de-sac. |
Arey Avenue | South from Pee Dee Avenue to dead end. |
Arlington Avenue | North from Coble Avenue to Old Charlotte Road. |
Armfield Avenue | East from Center Street to South Cotton Avenue. |
Ash Street | North from U.S. 52 North to Snuggs Street. |
Atom Drive | South from Sandy Lane to Moss Springs Road. |
Austin Street | North from West Main Street to Carolina Avenue. |
Auten Avenue | East from Hamilton Avenue to McCurdy Avenue. |
Avondale Avenue | East from North Fifth Street to Smith Street. |
Azalea Drive | East from North Seventh Street to North Ninth Street and west from North Ninth to North Seventh (both sides of Azalea Park). |
Azure Avenue | Northward to the cul-de-sac |
Badin Road | Northeast from East Main Street to city limit. |
Bailey Street | East from Arey Avenue to Coggins Avenue. |
Barbee Lane | North from Kingsley Drive to Lowder Street. |
Barnard Road | Hilco Street. |
Barney Poplin Drive | Extending north from the centerline of Hilco Street to the end of city maintenance approximately 563-feet. |
Beale Street | East from Arey Avenue to dead end. |
North Bell Avenue | North from East Main Street to dead end. |
South Bell Avenue | South from East Main Street to Inger Street. |
Bellamy Circle | North from Lafayette Drive. |
Belmont Circle | West from North Depot Street in semi-circle to North Depot Street. |
Belvedere Drive | North from Avondale Avenue to Calhoun Street. |
Berry Avenue | North from East Main Street to 500 feet north of Badin Road. |
Bethany Road | West from U.S. 52 North to city limits. |
Biltmore Street | North from Snuggs Street to dead end. |
Bird Road | South from N.C. 24-27 Bypass East to Woodhurst Lane. |
Blake Road | North from Concord Road (N.C. 73) and continuing west to MacArthur Road. |
Blanche Street | South from Gray Street to dead end, and north from Gray Street to Northeast Connector. |
Bluff Street | West from Concord Road to Third Avenue. |
Bogan Avenue | North from Amhurst Street to East Main Street. |
Bost Street | East from Concord Road to North Broome Street. |
Boyd Street | East from U.S. 52 North to Almond Street. |
Boyette Drive | East from South Second Street to dead end. |
Brenda Drive | East from Woodcrest Lane to Arbor Way. |
Brevard Drive | North from Marlbrook Drive in a semi-circle to Marlbrook Drive. |
Brittany Court | South from Amanda Drive to cul-de-sac. |
Brookmeade Drive | South from Bethany Road to Emerald Lane. |
Brooks Street | North from Old Charlotte Road to West South Street. |
Brookwood Avenue | North from Cedar Avenue to dead end. |
North Broome Street | North from West Main Street to cul-de-sac. |
South Broome Street | North from Old Charlotte Road to West Main Street. |
Brown Avenue | East from North Fifth Street to Ninth Street. |
Brunson Drive | East from Calhoun Street to the dead end, and west from Calhoun Street to dead end. |
Buckboard Lane | West from Smokehouse Lane to Smokehouse Lane on the west for a distance of 540 linear feet. |
Bullock Drive | West and north from U.S. 52 North to dead end. |
Bunn Street | North from Freeman Avenue to Montgomery Avenue. |
Burleson Street | South from West Main Street to dead end, north from Judy Street to dead end, and south from Judy Street to Green Acres Drive. |
Butler Street | North from West Main Street to Edgewood Drive. |
C.B. Crook Drive (formerly Glenn Street) | West from North Second Street to dead end west of North Depot Street. |
Cagle Street | North from Bethany Road to Lisk Street. |
Calhoun Street | North from Belvedere Drive to Brunson Drive. |
Callaway Street | North from Russell Road to dead end. |
Cameron Drive | North from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Hazelwood Drive. |
East Cannon Avenue | East from North Third Street to North Ninth Street; west from Smith Street to a dead and; east from Smith Street to Moss Springs Road; east from Moss Springs Road to dead end. |
Canterbury Road | South from Ellenwood Drive to a dead end west of Ross Drive. |
Cardinal Drive | West from Ridge Street to Smith Street. |
Carolina Avenue | North from U.S. 52 North to Salisbury Avenue. |
Carolyn Drive | West from Moss Springs Road to cul-de-sac. |
Carpenter Avenue | East from South Second Street to South Fourth Street. |
Carter Drive | South from Knollwood Circle to dead end. |
Catalina Drive | Northwest from Badin Road to Monza Drive. |
Cedar Avenue | West from West Main Street to Brookwood Avenue. |
South Center Street | North from Thomas Street to dead end, and south from Thomas Street to Spaulding Street. |
Centerview Church Road | East from U.S. 52 North to city limits. |
Central Avenue | North from the N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Liberty Avenue. |
Charter Street | North from East Main Street and east to Anderson Grove Church Road. |
Chimneys Lane | From Moss Springs Road to Chimneys Apartment complex property. |
Cherry Street | North from Lowder Street to Sunset Avenue. |
Cherrywood Lane | North from Anderson Road to Woodhurst Lane. |
Chestnut Avenue | West from North Second Street to North Depot Street. |
Church Street | North from West Main Street to Efird Street. |
Circle Drive | West from U.S. 52 North in a semi-circle to U.S. 52 North. |
Cleveland Avenue | North from Kingsley Drive to Lowder Street. |
Clover Fork Circle | North from Holt Road in a semi-circle to Prospect Church Road. |
Club House Road | North from Concord Road to city limits. |
Coble Avenue | South from West Main Street to end of right-of-way. |
Coggins Avenue | South from East Main Street to dead end. |
College Drive | North from West Main Street to Stanly Community College. |
Collins Drive | North from Brenda Drive to Bethany Road. |
Colonial Drive | East from Melchor Road to Pineview Street and east from Ridge Street to Heritage Drive. |
Colston Street | North from Spaulding Street to East South Street. |
Columbus Street | North from Greenwood Street to Elm Street. |
Commerce Street | Southeastwardly from NC 24-27 to Coble Avenue extension. |
Concord Road (N.C. 73) | Northwest from West Main Street to city limits. |
Continental Drive | South from Northeast Connector to dead end. |
Coventry Drive | Westerly 710 linear feet from Anderson Road. |
Corbin Street | East from Pennington Road to Hill Street, and east from Long Street to cul-de-sac. |
Corvette Street | West from Impala Drive to Fleetwood Drive. |
North Cotton Avenue | North from East Main Street to Pee Dee Avenue. |
South Cotton Avenue | South from East Main Street to dead end. |
Coy Street | East from Palmer Street to Coble Avenue. |
Crestview Drive | Northeast from Snuggs Park Road to dead end. |
Crestview Lane | North from Crestview Drive to Valleyview Drive. |
Cross Street | South from East South Street to Bishop J.E.R. Drive. |
Crowell Avenue | South from East Main Street to dead end. |
Crown Point Drive | West from Memory Lane to dead end. |
Davis Street | North from Summit Avenue to East South Street. |
North Depot Street | North from West Main Street to Salisbury Avenue. |
South Depot Street | South from West Main Street to West South Street. |
Dick Street | North from Eastwood Park Circle to dead end. |
Dogwood Lane | North from Anderson Road to Woodhurst Lane. |
Douglas Court | From Smokehouse Lane to the end of cul-de-sac for a distance of 100 linear feet. |
Driftwood Lane | East from Impala Drive to dead end. |
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive | East from South Fourth Street to Colston Street. |
Dunlap Street | West from South Morrow Street to end of right-of-way. |
East Street | East from North Second Street to North Tenth Street. |
Eastside Avenue | East from Moss Springs Road to dead end. |
Eastwood Park Circle | North from Badin Road to Dick Street. |
Eastwood Drive | Northwest from Badin Road to dead end. |
Eben Street | East from Aquadale Road to dead end. |
Edgemont Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to dead end. |
Edgewood Drive | West from Memory Lane to dead end. |
Efird Street | East from Concord Road (N.C. 73) to U.S. 52 North. |
Elaine Drive | East from Mountain Creek Road in a semi-circle to Mountain Creek Road. |
Elizabeth Avenue | East from Heath Street to dead end. |
Ellenwood Court | West from Ross Drive to cul-de-sac. |
Ellenwood Drive | East from Ross Drive to dead end. |
Ellis Street | West from U.S. 52 North to Idlewood Drive. |
Elm Street | East from Monroe Street to Columbus Street. |
Elmer Street | East from Pond Street to Dick Street. |
Elmwood Avenue | North from Gurley Street to Parker Street. |
Emerald Lane | East from Tanglewood Drive to Collins. |
Englewood Avenue | East from South Second Street to South Third Street. |
Fairfield Court | East from Anderson Grove Church Road to the cul-de-sac. |
Fairview Street | East from Ash Street to dead end. |
Fairway Street | North from East Main Street to Freeman Avenue. |
Fernwood Drive | East from Cameron Drive to Sherman Drive. |
First Avenue | North from Lowder Street to Concord Road. |
Flake Street | North from Thomas Street to Summit Avenue. |
Fleetwood Drive | West from Moss Springs Road to dead end. |
Flintshire Drive | North from Mascot Drive to dead end. |
Floral Drive | North from Holt Road to Clover Fork Circle. |
Forest Avenue | North from Cedar Avenue to White Oak Avenue. |
Foster Lane | West from Smokehouse Lane to Smokehouse Lane on the west for a distance of 530 linear feet. |
Fostoria Drive | South from Noritake Trail to cul-de-sac. |
Fox Run Drive | East from Ridge Street to dead end. |
Freedom Drive | South from West Main Street to Burleson Street. |
Freeman Avenue | East from Ridge Street to Fairway Street. |
Fulton Street | North from Webb Street to North Second Street. |
Furr Street | West from Rogers Street to Austin Street. |
Garfield Avenue | North from Kingsley Drive to Lowder Street. |
Garrison Drive | East from intersection of North Sixth Street and Park Road to Park Road. |
Gary Avenue | North from Seymore Avenue to dead end. |
Gibson Street | East from Wall Street to Arey Avenue. |
Bishop J.E.R. Drive | East from Cross Street to Lincoln Street. |
Goodman Drive | North from Knollwood Circle to Knollwood Circle. |
Gorham Drive | South from Waterford Way to cul-de-sac. |
Graham Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to Watts Street. |
Grant Street | South from East Main Street to Elizabeth Avenue. |
Gray Street | East from U.S. 52 North to Blanche Avenue. |
Green Street | East from South Fourth Street to South Fifth Street. |
Greenwood Park Circle | North from Prospect Church Road. |
Greenwood Street | East from Pennington Road to Carolina Avenue. |
Grigg Street | North from Inger Street to South Bell Avenue. |
Groves Avenue | South from East Main Street to Lincolnton Street. |
Gurley Street | East from Highland Avenue to Stoker Terrace. |
Hamilton Avenue | North from North Second Street to dead end. |
Harris Street | North from West Main Street to West North Street. |
Harvard Drive | West from Arbor Way to cul-de-sac. |
Harwood Street | South from West Main Street to Old Charlotte Road. |
Hastings Drive | East from Ross Drive to city limits. |
Hathcock Avenue | Northeast from Arlington Avenue to Williams Avenue. |
Hawthorn Avenue | East from North Second Street to Melchor Road. |
Hazelwood Drive | East from Cameron Drive to Sherman Drive. |
Hearne Street | East from South Second Street to South Fourth Street. |
Heath Street | South from East Main Street to East South Street. |
Heathwood Drive | South from Palmetto Drive to the dead end. |
Hemlock Drive | South from Crestview Drive to dead end. |
Henning Drive | North and South from N.C.24-27 Bypass West to Aquadale Road. |
Henry Jay Street | East from Arey Ave to dead end. |
Henson Street | South from Groves Avenue to city limit. |
Heritage Drive | South from Ridge Street to Colonial Drive. |
Heritage Court | East from Heritage Drive to the cul-de-sac. |
Hermitage Drive | South from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Wesley Heights Drive. |
Hickory Avenue | West from West Main Street to Brookwood Avenue. |
High Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to Highland Avenue. |
Highland Avenue | North from Snuggs Street to High Street. |
Hilco Street | East from N.C. 740 Bypass to Barnard Road. |
Hill Street | North from Efird Street to Wood Street, and north from Wood Street to Corbin Street; north from Greenwood Street to Elm Street. |
Hillcrest Avenue | West from Freedom Drive to dead end. |
Hillside Lane | South from Armfield Avenue to Elizabeth Avenue. |
Hilltop Street | North from Snuggs Street to Morton Street. |
Holbrook Court | North from Lafayette Drive to the cul-de-sac. |
Holly Avenue | West from West Main Street to Brookwood Avenue. |
Hollywood Terrace | North from Edgemont Street to dead end. |
Holt Road | East from U.S. 52 North to Clover Fork Circle. |
Homestead Lane | Eastwardly from Smokehouse Lane to a second intersection with Smokehouse Lane. |
Honeysuckle Lane | East from North Eleventh Street to Smith Street. |
Hyman Drive | North from Lafayette Drive to the cul-de-sac. |
Idlewood Drive | South from Bethany Road to dead end. |
Impala Drive | North from Badin Road (N.C. 740) to Moss Springs Road. |
Imperial Way | North from Canton Road to cul-de-sac. |
Inger Street | East from Leonard Avenue to the cul-de-sac. |
Ingram Street | North from Morgan Road to Reeves Avenue. |
Jackson Street | South from Short Street to Old Charlotte Road. |
James Street | North from Spring Street to end of right-of-way. |
Jedor Lane | West from Ross Drive to dead end. |
Jefferies Street | North from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to end of right-of-way. |
Jefferson Avenue | North from Kingsley Drive to Lowder Street. |
Johnson Street | South from Gray Street to dead end, and north from Gray Street to Northeast Connector. |
Judy Street | West from Burleson Street then south crossing N.C. 24-27 Bypass West then east to Long Creek Drive. |
Kemp Road | North from Mountain Creek Road to the city limits. |
King Avenue | West from South Second Street to South First Street. |
Kingsley Drive | Southwest from West Main Street to Poplin Grove Church Road. |
Knollwood Circle | East from U.S. 52 North in a semi-circle to U.S. 52 North. |
Knollwood Lane | East from Knollwood Circle to dead end. |
Lafayette Drive | West from Ridge Street to cul-de-sac. |
Lakeview Road | North from Woodhurst Lane to Wooderoft Lane. |
Landis Street | South from Carolyn Drive to East Cannon Avenue. |
Larkhaven Lane | East from Melchor Road to Northridge Drive. |
Laton Road | North From Badin Road to city limits. |
Laura's Lane | North from East McGill Street to Cardinal Drive. |
Laurel Street | North from Concord Road (N.C. 73) to Wiscassett Street. |
Lay Street | East from Stonewall Street to Palmer Street. |
Lee Street | South from Summit Avenue to dead end. |
Lee-lynn Drive | Southeast from Ridge Street to Springhaven Circle. |
Lefler Street | North from Parker Street to McKee Street. |
Lennox Street | East from Arey Avenue to Leonard Avenue. |
Leonard Avenue | Southward from East Main Street to the dead end of N.C. 24/27. |
Leslie Street | West from Salisbury Avenue (First Street Station entrance) to dead end. |
Lexington Drive | Westerly 715 linear feet from the cul-de-sac. |
Liberty Avenue | West from Coble Avenue to Saunders Lane. |
Lilly Street | North from Badin Road to dead end. |
Lincoln Street | South from Elizabeth Avenue to dead end. |
Lincolnton Street | North from Groves Avenue to dead end, and south from Groves Avenue to dead end. |
Linwood Drive | East from North Sixth Street in a semi-circle to North Sixth Street. |
Lisk Street | East from Cagle Street to dead end, and west from Cagle Street to dead end. |
Logan Lane | East from MacArthur Road to the end of the street for a distance of 486 linear feet. |
Lois Lane | North from Snuggs Street to dead end. |
Long Street | North from Efird Street to Corbin Street, and north from Greenwood Street to Elm Street. |
Long Creek Drive | South from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Judy Street. |
Louise Lane | South from Amanda Way. |
Love Street | North from West Main Street to Greenwood Street. |
Lowder Road | West from U.S. 52 North to city limits. |
Lowder Street | East from Garfield Avenue to North Broome Street. |
Ludlow Street | West from North Second Street to North Depot Street. |
Lundix Street | East from Wall Street to dead end. |
Lynway Drive | East from U.S. 52 North to Rotary Drive. |
Mabry Drive | North from Kingsley Drive to dead end. |
MacArthur Road | North from Concord Road to dead end. |
East Main Street | East from North Second Street to city limits. |
West Main Street | West from North Second Street to city limits. |
Magnolia Street | West from Moss Springs Road to dead end. |
Maple Avenue | West from West Main Street to Brookwood Avenue. |
Marbranch Court | West from Ross Drive to the cul-de-sac. |
Marlbrook Drive | West from Aquadale Road to dead end. |
Marshall Street | South from West Oakwood Avenue to the cul-de-sac. |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive | West from South Fourth Street to South Second Street. |
Marwood Lane | West from Anderson Road to Lakeview Road. |
Mascot Drive | East from Melchor Road to North Eleventh Street. |
East Mason Street | East from U.S. 52 North to dead end. |
West Mason Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to the cul-de-sac. |
May Street | East from Stonewall Street to Palmer Street. |
Maywood Lane | South from Ellis Street to dead end. |
McAlister Street | North from Morgan Road to Reeves Avenue. |
McCurdy Avenue | North from North Second Street to North Sixth Street. |
East McGill Street | East from Smith Street to Ridge Street. |
McGill Street | East from North Third Street to North Fourth Street; east from North Fifth Street to North Seventh Street; east from North Ninth Street to North Tenth Street. |
McKee Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to Lefler Street. |
McLaughlin Street | East from Wall Street to Colston Street. |
Meadow Street | East from Palmer Street to Harwood Street. |
Meadowrock Drive | Northeast from Snuggs Park Road to Collins Drive. |
Melchor Road | North from Avondale Avenue to Park Ridge Road. |
Memory Lane | North from West Main Street to Edgewood Drive. |
Midwood Drive | East from N.C. 740 Bypass to Heathwood Drive. |
Mill Street | East from Concord Road (N.C. 73) to North Broome Street. |
Miller Street | Northwest from East Main Street to Pee Dee Avenue. |
Milton Drive | East from Eastwood Drive to dead end. |
Mockingbird Road | Southeast from Mountain Creek Road to dead end. |
Monroe Street | North from Efird Street to West Oakwood Avenue and north from Corbin Street to Elm Street. |
Montgomery Avenue | East from North Second Street to Snotherly Street. |
Monticello Drive | South from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Wesley Heights Drive. |
Monza Drive | West from Impala Drive to dead end. |
Moose Street | East from Ash Street to dead end. |
Morgan Road | West from Aquadale Road to Coble Avenue. |
Morningside Avenue | South from East Main Street to dead end. |
North Morrow Avenue | North from East Main Street to Pee Dee Avenue. |
South Morrow Avenue | South from East Main Street to Gibson Street. |
Morton Street | West from U.S. 52 North to Hilltop Street. |
Moss Springs Road | North from East Main Street to Speight Road. |
Mount Vernon Drive | South from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Wesley Heights Drive. |
Mountain Creek Road | North from Park Ridge Road to city limits. |
Mountain Place | South from Plantation Way to dead end. |
Muirfield Drive | East and west from cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac. |
Murdock Lane | West from Mountain Creek Road to Prospect Church Road. |
N.C. 24-27 Bypass East | East from South Second Street to East Main Street. |
N.C. 24-27 Bypass West | West from South Second Street to the city limits. |
N.C. 740 Bypass | Northeast from East Main Street to Badin Road. |
New Castle Court | North from Concord Road (N.C. Highway 73) to the cul-de-sac. |
Noritake Trail | Northwest from Imperial Way to cul-de-sac. |
Normandy Street | West from Poplin Grove Church Road to Royal Avenue. |
East North Street | East from North Second Street to North Fifth Street. |
West North Street | West from North Second Street to Harris Street. |
Northbrook Drive | North from Avondale Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue. |
Northcrest Drive | North from Colonial Drive to Larkhaven Lane. |
Northeast Connector | Southeastwardly from U.S. Highway 52 to N.C. Highway 740. |
Northridge Drive | South from Park Ridge Road to the cul-de-sac. |
Oak Street | North from U.S. 52 North to dead end. |
Oaklawn Court | East from Royal Avenue to cul-de-sac, and west from Royal Avenue to cul-de-sac. |
East Oakwood Avenue | East from North Fifth Street to North Ninth Street. |
West Oakwood Avenue | West from U.S. 52 North to dead end. |
Old Charlotte Road | West from South Second Street to West Main Street. |
Old Parker Road | North from Concord Road to city limits. |
Olivia Drive | East from Arey Avenue to dead end. |
Overbrook Drive | West from Collins Drive to dead end. |
Palmer Street | South from West Main Street to Old Charlotte Road. |
Palmetto Drive | East from N.C. 740 Bypass to Heathwood Drive. |
East Park Avenue | East from South Second Street to South Fifth Street. |
West Park Avenue | Southwest from Stonewall Street to dead end. |
Park Lane | North from Cannon Avenue to Azalea Drive. |
Park Road | Southeast from Park Ridge Road to North Sixth Street. |
Park Ridge Road | East from North Second Street to Ridge Street. |
Parker Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to Stoker Terrace. |
Parkway Drive | South from Badin Road to East Main Street. |
Parkwest Drive | West 1,540 linear feet from Poplin Grove Church Road. |
Patton Avenue | West from MacArthur Road to Old Parker Road. |
Peachtree Street | North from Freeman Avenue to East Cannon Avenue. |
Pearl Street | North from Elizabeth Avenue to Ruby Street. |
Pecan Avenue | North from Knollwood Circle to dead end. |
Pee Dee Avenue | East from North Fourth Street to East Main Street. |
Pennington Road | Northwest from Wiscassett Street to city limits. |
Penny Street | Northwest from North Second Street to Shankle Street. |
Pickler Street | West from Concord Road to dead end. |
Pine Street | East from Pennington Road to Columbus Street. |
Pineview Street | North from Colonial Drive to Park Ridge Road. |
Plantation Way | East from Vickers Store Road to cul-de-sac. |
Platinum Drive | Northward to the cul-de-sac. |
Pond Street | North from Eastwood Park Circle to dead end. |
Poplar Street | West from Rogers Street to Laurel Street. |
Poplin Grove Church Road | North from West Main Street to city limits. |
Post Road | West from Anderson Road to end of right-of-way. |
Pou Street | East from Arey Avenue to Coggins Avenue. |
Prestwick Place | North from Park Ridge Road to the cul-de-sac. |
Prospect Church Road | East from U.S. 52 North to city limits. |
Railroad Street | North from Old Charlotte Road to West Main Street. |
Raymond Street | East from Burleson Street to Freedom Drive. |
Reagan Court | West from Ridge Street to cul-de-sac. |
Reeves Avenue | West from Aquadale Road to dead end. |
Reid Street | North from Pine Street to dead end. |
Richard Street | East from Pond Street to Dick Street. |
Richardson Street | North from Summit Avenue to East South Street. |
Ridge Street | North from Pee Dee Avenue to city limits. |
Riley Street | North from Snuggs Street to Russell Road. |
Rock Creek Drive | West from U.S. 52 South to Rock Creek Park. |
Rock Spring Road | North from Concord Road (N.C. 73) to Wiscassett Street. |
Rogers Street | North from Efird Street to Carolina Avenue. |
Ross Drive | East from South Hill Avenue to city limits. |
Rotary Drive | South from Northeast Connector to dead end. |
Royal Avenue | South from Normandy Street to cul-de-sac, and north from Normandy Street to Oaklawn Court. |
Ruby Road | Northward to the end of the pavement. |
Ruby Street | East from Grant Street to Center Street. |
Rush Street | East from Colston Street to South Morrow Avenue. |
Russell Road | West from U.S. 52 North to Riley Street. |
St. Martin Road | South from West Main Street to city limits. |
Salisbury Avenue | West from North Second Street to the city limits. |
Sandy Lane | West from Gary Avenue to Atom Drive. |
Sapphire Road | From Parkwest Drive northward to the end of the pavement. |
Saunders Lane | South from Old Charlotte Road to Liberty Avenue. |
Second Avenue | North from Lowder Street to Bluff Street. |
Seventh Avenue | North from Kingsley Drive to Lowder Street. |
Seymore Avenue | East from Atom Drive to Gary Avenue. |
Shady Drive | East from Mountain Creek Road to Wildwood Drive. |
Shankle Street | North from North Second Street to Penny Street. |
Sharon Road | North from Avondale Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue. |
Shepherd Road | West from U.S. 52 North to dead end. |
Sherman Drive | North from N.C. 24-27 Bypass West to Hazelwood Drive. |
Sherwood Avenue | Northeast from Columbus Street to Salisbury Avenue. |
Short Street | East from West Main Street to Stonewall Street. |
Sibley Street | Southwest from South First Street to dead end. |
Sides Street | North from Gibson Street to Rush Street. |
Sidney Street | East from Arey Avenue to dead end. |
Silvers Lane | North 500 feet and south 200 feet from Murdock Lane to the ends. |
Slack Street | North from West Main Street to Edgewood Drive. |
Smokehouse Lane | North from the end of the pavement in a semi-circle to the end of the pavement for a distance of 2,040 linear feet. |
Smokehouse Lane | North from Anderson Ridge Drive circulating eastwardly and southerly to a second intersection with Anderson Ridge Drive. |
South Slack Street | Northwest from Freedom Drive to Hillcrest Avenue. |
Smith Street | North from Montgomery Avenue to Pineview Street. |
Snotherly Street | North from Freeman Avenue to Montgomery Avenue. |
Snuggs Street | West from U.S. 52 North to Salisbury Avenue. |
Snuggs Park Road | Northwest from Snuggs Street to Bethany Road. |
East South Street | East from South Second Street to South Fourth Street. |
West South Street | West from South Second Street to Railroad Street. |
South Hill Avenue | East from U.S. 52 South to Ross Drive. |
Spaulding Street | Southwest from N.C. 24-27 Bypass East to Colston Street and from Wall Street to Center Street. |
Speight Road | Northeast from Badin Road to Laton Road. |
Spiral Drive | East from Club House Road to Apex Drive. |
Spring Street | East from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street. |
Springhaven Circle | South from Lee-lynn Drive to Sandy Lane. |
Spruce Street | North from Salisbury Avenue to Edgemont Street. |
Sprucewood Street | East from Anderson Road to Cherrywood Lane. |
Stafford Drive | Extending northeasterly 245 feet from the point of intersection of the centerline of Arbor Way. |
Staley Street | North from East Main Street to dead end. |
Stanford Drive | East from Anderson Grove Church Road (SR 1537) to Smokehouse Lane for a distance of 280 linear feet. |
Stanly Street | North from West Main Street to Edgewood Drive. |
Sterling Drive | South from Woodhurst Lane to dead end. |
Stoker Terrace | Northwest from Snuggs Street to McKee Street. |
Stonehaven Drive | Southward 1,350 linear feet from Coventry Drive. |
Stonewall Street | South from West Main Street to dead end. |
Summit Avenue | East from South Second Street to Wall Street. |
Sunset Avenue | East from Third Avenue to Concord Road. |
Sunview Drive | West from Anderson Grove Church Road in a semi-circle to Anderson Grove Church Road. |
Sweet Home Church Road | North from East Main Street to the city limits. |
Sylvania Avenue | East from Northbrook Drive to Melchor Road. |
T.E. White, Sr. Drive | South from East Main Street to Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. |
Talbert Road | East from Mountain Creek Road to Northeast Connector. |
Tanglewood Drive | South from Bethany Road to Overbrook Drive. |
Third Avenue | North from Lowder Street to Bluff Street. |
Thomas Street | West from Wall Street to Flake Street. |
Troy Alexander Drive | East from North Depot Street to North Second Street. |
Turnberry Court | Eastwardly from Prestwick Place to cul-de-sac. |
Unity Drive | West from Northeast Connector to cul-de-sac. |
U.S. 52 North | North from West Main Street to city limits. |
U.S. 52 South | South from West Main Street to the N.C. 24-27 Bypass West. |
Valleyview Drive | Northeast from Snuggs Park Road to Collins Drive. |
Vickers Lane | West from Laton Road to dead end. |
Waddell Drive | South from Lundix Street to Spaulding Street. |
Wall Street | South from East South Street to N.C. 24-27 Bypass East. |
Walnut Street | West from Long Street to dead end. |
Washington Lane | South from Lundix Street to Spaulding Street. |
Waterford Lane | West from Imperial Lane to cul-de-sac. |
Watts Street | East from Salisbury Avenue to Graham Street. |
Waverly Street | South from Knollwood Circle to Knollwood Circle. |
Webb Street | East from Fulton Street to North Fifth Street. |
Wendover Avenue | West from Moss Springs Road to dead end. |
Wesley Heights Drive | East from Monticello Drive to Mount Vernon Drive. |
West Drive | South from Eastover Avenue to Inger Street. |
White Oak Avenue | West from West Main Street to Forest Avenue. |
Wildwood Drive | East from Mountain Creek Road and south to dead end. |
Williams Avenue | Northwest from Coble Avenue to Old Charlotte Road. |
Wilson Street | East from North Depot Street to North Second Street. |
Wiscassett Street | East from Rock Spring Road to the cul-de-sac. |
Wolfe Avenue | Northwest from Park Ridge Road to McCurdy Avenue. |
Wood Street | East from Laurel Street to Rogers Street. |
Woodcrest Lane | South and East from Crestview Drive to Hemlock Drive. |
Woodcroft Lane | West from Anderson Road to Lakeview Road. |
Woodhaven Drive | East from NC 740 Bypass to the dead end. |
Woodhurst Lane | West from Anderson Road to Henson Street. |
Woodland Street | East from Harwood Street to South Broome Street. |
Yadkin Street | East from North Second Street to North Tenth Street then from North Eleventh Street East to Ridge Street. |
Yorkshire Drive | Westerly 167 linear feet from the cul-de-sac. |
North First Street | North from West Main Street to U.S. 52 N. |
South First Street | South from West Main Street to South Second Street. |
North Second Street | North from West Main Street to U.S. 52 North. |
South Second Street | South from West Main Street to the city limits. |
North Third Street | West from East Main Street to Yadkin Street. |
South Third Street | South from East Main Street to East Park Avenue. |
North Fourth Street | North from East Main Street to Yadkin Street. |
South Fourth Street | South from East Main Street to South Fifth Street. |
North Fifth Street | North from Pee Dee Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue. |
South Fifth Street | South from East Main Street to East South Street then from East Park Avenue to South Second Street. |
North Sixth Street | North from East Main Street to Montgomery Avenue and north from McGill Street to McCurdy Avenue. |
North Seventh Street | North from East Main Street to East Oakwood Avenue and north from McGill Street to East Street. |
North Eighth Street | North from Pee Dee Avenue to Brown Avenue and north from Azalea Drive to East Street and north from Yadkin Street to Avondale Avenue. |
North Ninth Street | North from Pee Dee Avenue to Yadkin Street. |
North Tenth Street | North from Pee Dee Avenue to East Street and north from Yadkin Street to Avondale Avenue. |
North Eleventh Street | North from Honeysuckle Lane to dead end. |
(Ord. 99-53, passed 9-20-99; Am. Ord. 00-38, passed 11-6-00; Am. Ord. 01-12, passed 3-5-01; Am. Ord. 03-27, passed 8-18-03; Am. Ord. 04-24, passed 6-21-04; Am. Ord. 04-53, passed 11-25-04; Am. Ord. 05-46, passed 11-21-05; Am. Ord. 08-22, passed 7-7-08; Am. Ord. 09-12, passed 4-20-09; Am. Ord. 09-22, passed 6-15-09; Am. Ord. 11-01, passed 1-4-11; Am. Ord. 11-27, passed 9-6-11; Am. Ord. 16-38, passed 10-17-16; Am. Ord. 19-08, passed 3-18-19; Am. Ord. 19-21, passed 7-8-19; Am. Ord. 19-34, passed 9-16-19; Am. Ord. 20-02, passed 1-6-20; Am. Ord. 21-42, passed - -21; Am. Ord. 23-XX, passed - - )