Any vehicle found obstructing any fire hydrant, marked rural water point, fire protection equipment, designated and marked fire lane, or fire station may be removed or towed away by or under the direction of the Fire Marshal to a storage area or garage. The owner of such vehicle shall be deemed to have appointed the Fire Marshal as his agent for the purpose of arranging for the transportation and safe storage of the vehicle. The owner of such vehicle, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay all reasonable cost incidental to the removal and storage of the vehicle due for the violation of prohibited parking.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98; Am. Ord. 02-08, passed 2-4-02) Penalty, see § 31.999
The City Fire Chief or his authorized representatives shall have the right to enter any building or premises without permission or warrant in the event of any emergency situation constituting a threat to human life, property or the public safety for the purpose of eliminating, controlling, or abating the dangerous conditions or situation.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98) Penalty, see § 31.999
(A) The Fire Chief's Office shall investigate the cause, origin, and circumstances of every fire occurring in the city which is of a suspicious nature or which involves loss of life or injury to persons, or when notified by any fire department or a fire protection district or when circumstances warrant. Such investigations shall begin immediately upon the occurrence of such a fire and, if it appears that such fire is of suspicious origin, the Fire Marshal shall be immediately notified and coordinate investigation activities. Any information obtained pursuant to any such investigation shall be confidential as authorized by law.
(B) Upon request of the Fire Marshal or his authorized representatives, any law enforcement agency may render such assistance as necessary in the investigation or any fire determined to be of suspicious origin.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98; Am. Ord. 02-08, passed 2-4-02) Penalty, see § 31.999
The Fire Department shall keep a record of all fires and of all the facts concerning the same, including statistics as to the extent of such fires and the damages caused thereby. All such records shall be public except as provided by § 31.25-13(a).
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98; Am. Ord. 02-08, passed 2-4-02)
The code adopted in § 31.25 shall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire Department.
('58 Code, § 6-1.2)
(A) Wherever the word "MUNICIPALITY" is used in the code adopted in § 31.25, it shall be held to mean the City of Albemarle.
('58 Code, § 6-1.3)
(B) Wherever the word "CHIEF" is used in the code adopted in § 31.25, or any other place in this chapter, it shall be held to mean the Fire Chief or his designated representative.
(A) The limits referred to in section 1902.1 to section 1902.2, inclusive, of Chapter 19 of the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume V, Fire Prevention, in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited hereby are established as follows: any area within the corporate limits of the municipality, except that dealers shall be allowed to keep not more than a case, not exceeding 50 pounds, of dynamite in locations and containers approved by the Chief of the Fire Department.
(B) The limits referred to in section 902.2.1 of Chapter 9 of the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume V, Fire Prevention, in which storage of Class I liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited hereby are established as follows: any area within the corporate limits of the municipality excepting the following.
(1) That area bounded on the east by United States Highway No. 52, on the south by North Carolina Highway No. 27 Bypass, on the west by the Carolina and Northwestern Railroad right-of-way, and on the north by the Aquadale Road.
(2) That area bounded on the east by the United States Highway No. 52, on the west by Biltmore Street, on the south by Snuggs Street, on the north by an east-west line 1,150 feet north of Snuggs Street.
(3) That area bounded on the east by North Sixth Street, on the south by Hawthorne Avenue, on the west by North Second Street, and on the north by Palestine Road.
(4) That area bounded on the east by United States Highway No. 52, and on the south, west, and north by Circle Drive.
(5) That area bounded on the north by West Main Street (formerly Charlotte Road), on the east by Freedom Drive, on the south by Hillcrest Avenue and on the west by a line from the intersection of Hillcrest Avenue and South Slack Street to the intersection of Stanly Street and West Main Street.
('58 Code, § 6-1.4)
(C) The limits referred to in section 21.6a of the Fire Prevention Code in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted hereby are established as follows.
(1) That area bounded on the east by United States Highway No. 52, on the south by North Carolina No. 24- 27 Bypass, on the west by the Carolina and Northwestern Railroad right-of-way, and on the north by the Aquadale Road.
(2) That area beginning approximately 200 feet south of East Main Street (North Carolina Highway No. 24-27-73) on Anderson and thence with Anderson Road south 100 feet, thence westerly leaving Anderson Road approximately 100 feet, thence northerly approximately 100 feet, and thence easterly to the beginning point on Anderson Road.
(3) That area bounded on the north by Bethany Road, on the east by Idlewood Drive, on the west by the Carolina and Northwestern Railroad and on the south by a line parallel to and 250 feet south of the Bethany Road.
(Am. Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98)