(A) This code shall require permits from the Fire Marshal as set forth in the North Carolina Fire Code.
(B) It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to evaluate applications and issue, if approved, all permits for those conditions as prescribed in this Code.
(C) No person shall maintain, store or handle materials or conduct processes which produce conditions hazardous to life or property or install equipment used in connection with such activities without a permit as required by the Fire Marshal and prescribed in North Carolina Fire Code. Before a permit may be issued, the Fire Marshal shall inspect and approve the receptacles, vehicles, buildings, structures, storage areas, devices, processes and conditions related to the permit.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98; Am. Ord. 02-08, passed 2-4-02) Penalty, see § 31.999
(A) The service of orders or notices for the correction of violations of the Code shall be made upon the owner, occupant or other persons responsible for the conditions, either by personally delivering a copy of the same to such person or by delivering the same to and leaving it with any person in charge of the premises or by sending a copy of the order of notice by certified or registered mail to the owner's last known address.
(B) When buildings or other premises are occupied by one other than the owner under a lease or other agreement, the orders or notices issued to correct violations of the Code shall apply to the occupant thereof; provided that where the order or notices require the making of additions to or changes in the premises themselves which may become part of the real property of the owner, then in such cases, the orders of notices shall also be issued to the owner of the premises or real property. Failure to deliver an order or notice to the owner, if other than the occupant, shall not invalidate such order or notice.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98) Penalty, see § 31.999
Before any tank for underground or aboveground storage of volatile flammable or combustible liquids or any other hazardous material covered by the provisions of this Code shall be installed, a permit must be issued and shall be granted only upon written application made to the Fire Marshal setting forth therein the location, character, size and capacity of the tank, and the purpose for which it is to be used and an agreement that the applicant or user will conform to all the provisions of this Code and the ordinances then existing, and in case a pump is to be used in connection therewith, the application shall state its location with respect to the tanks and with respect to the property line. The Fire Marshal shall determine whether the proposed tanks comply with the provisions of this Code, the ordinances of the city, and laws of the state, and shall issue the permit if he finds there is compliance. The Fire Marshal shall have the right to inspect the tanks and appliances before, during, and after installation, and see that its location, installation and operation are in accordance with this Code, the ordinances of the city and laws of the state. After the tank is placed in the excavation, and fittings and connections have been attached thereto, and before it has been covered or concealed from inspection, the applicant for the permit shall notify the Fire Marshal and shall wait until the installation of the tank connections and fittings have been approved before covering them.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98; Am. Ord. 02-08, passed 2-4-02) Penalty, see § 31.999
(A) Fees for inspections and permits required by this Code shall be determined by resolution of the City Council. A fee schedule shall be filed with the City and the Fire Chief's Office for public inspection.
(B) Inspection fees shall be paid within the number of days specified in the billing notice of the amount of the fee.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98) Penalty, see § 31.999
Any vehicle found obstructing any fire hydrant, marked rural water point, fire protection equipment, designated and marked fire lane, or fire station may be removed or towed away by or under the direction of the Fire Marshal to a storage area or garage. The owner of such vehicle shall be deemed to have appointed the Fire Marshal as his agent for the purpose of arranging for the transportation and safe storage of the vehicle. The owner of such vehicle, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay all reasonable cost incidental to the removal and storage of the vehicle due for the violation of prohibited parking.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 4-6-98; Am. Ord. 02-08, passed 2-4-02) Penalty, see § 31.999