A.   Preferred trees and shrubs to be used to meet the city landscaping standards include, but are not specifically restricted to:
Plant Type
Botanical Name
Common Name
Plant Type
Botanical Name
Common Name
Shade trees
Celtis laevigata
Sugar hackberry; palo blanco
Ehretia anacua
Sugarberry; anacua
Fraxinum berlandieriana
Rio grande ash; fresno
Leucaena pulverulenta
Lead tree; tepeguaje
Pithecellobium ebano
Texas ebony; ebano
Prospis glandulosa
Honey mesquite
Quercus virginiana
Live oak; encino
Ulmus crassifolia
Cedar elm; olmo
Ornamental trees
Acacia berlandieri
Acacia smallii
Texas huisache
Bumelia celastrina
Saffron-plum; coma del sur
Celtis pallida
Spiny hackberry; granjeno
Cercidium texanum
Texas palo verde
Condalia hookeri
Brasil; bluewood
Cordia boissieeri
Mexican olive; anacahuita
Diospyros texana
Persimmon; chapote
Esenbeckia runyonii
Guaiacum angustifolium
Soapbush; guayacan
Lagerstroemia indica
Crepe myrtle
Parkinsonia aculeata
Retama; lluvia de oro
Pithecellobium pallens
Sapindus drummondii
West soapberry; jabonciilo
Sophora secundiflora
Mountain laurel
Screening shrubs
Acacia rigidula
Black brush
Citherexylum berlandieri
Fiddlewood; tamaulipan
Leucophyllum frutescens
Purple sage; cenizo bouganvillea
Photinia fraseri
Xylosma flexuosa
Holly; coronillo
Mass planting shrubs
Coursetia axillaris
Texas baby-bonnets
Croton humilis
Low croton
Malpighia glabra
Salvia ballotiflora
Blue sage; mejorana
Schaefferia cuneifola
Desert yaupon; capul
Sophora tomentosa
Yellow sophora; tambalisa
Viguiera stenoloba
Ground cover plantings
Buchloe dactyloides
Buffalo grass verbena
Lantana horrida
Texas lantana
Ruellia corzoi
Passiflora filipes
Yellow passion vine
Passiflora foetida
Blue passion vine
(Ord. 09-04-15, 4-21-2015)