9-1-1: Codes Adopted By Reference
9-1-1-1: Building Code
9-1-1-2: Residential Code
9-1-1-3: Fire Code
9-1-1-4: Mechanical Code
9-1-1-5: Plumbing Code
9-1-1-6: Fuel Gas Code
9-1-1-7: Energy Conservation Code
9-1-1-8: Electrical Code
9-1-1-9: Property Maintenance Code
9-1-2: Enforcing Officers
9-1-3: Building Code Permit Fees
9-1-4: City Services/Building Permits



1. See subsection 4-5-2H of this code for noise control regulations.
A copy of the referenced codes shall be filed with the city.
(Ord. 04-02-02, 2-19-2002)
   A.   The International Building Code 2021 edition is hereby adopted for the purposes expressed in said Code, with consideration given to any amendments specified in (B) below.
      1.   In order to establish a safer work environment for a contractor’s work force, authorized city personnel, and permitted others; as well as to reduce the incidence of scattered litter at the construction site and adjoining properties, the City of Alamo hereby mandates that a properly sized debris container or containment area will be provided as part of new construction project for new structures. In regard to remodeling and/or demolition project sites, the Building Official is hereby authorized to discern on whether a debris container or debris containment area shall be required, dependent on the expected quantity and volume of building fragments and remnants from such project sites; the over-riding consideration by the Building Official will be to require such containers if it will result in a safer and healthier construction work environment and thus, minimize hazardous/littering risks. It is further declared that should a professional containment bin be desired by the contractor and/or owner of the project site, that such container shall be privately contracted with the City of Alamo’s solid waste provider. The Building Official is hereby authorized to generally provide a 24-hour notice to the contractor to provide the required debris container or containment area or else the City will impose a ‘Stop Work’ on the project until said containment measures are complied with. Violations to the terms and intent of these debris containment regulations shall be pursuant to Title 1 ‘Administration’, Chapter 4 ‘General Penalty’ provisions; and shall be enforced by the coordinated efforts between the Building Official and the City of Alamo’s Code Enforcement Officer.
      2.   In order to assure that structures comply with prevailing building setbacks, the (assigned) City Building Inspector or the Planning Director shall have the discretionary right to require that a pre-pour survey be completed before the concrete foundation is performed/poured so as to assure that the required building setbacks are all complied with. Should the owner/builder desire to appeal the ruling to require the pre-pour survey, then, upon payment of a ‘$50 appeal Fee’, the City Manager’s office shall then assess the circumstances and make the final determination to mandate it or not.
   B.   Amendments: The following sections are hereby revised:
   Section 101.1. Insert: city of Alamo
   Section 1612.3. Insert: city of Alam
   Section 1612.3. Insert: 09-25-1979
   Section 3412.2. Insert: 02-07-2012
(Ord. 06-07-12, 7-3-2012; amd. Ord. 55-08-22, 8-16-2022; Ord. 64-11-23, 11-6-2023; Ord. 131-9-2024, 9-17-2024)