A. This Chapter was submitted to the voters for approval. Any amendment to this Chapter to increase the tax above the maximum rate expressly provided in Section 3.60.030 shall not become effective until such amendment is approved by the voters. The voters expressly authorize the City Council to amend, modify, change, or revise any other provision of this Chapter as the City Council deems in the best interest of the City, as set forth in Section 3.60.050.
B. The Tax Administrator shall promulgate rules, regulations and procedures to implement and administer this Chapter to ensure the efficient and timely collection of the tax imposed by this Chapter, including without limitation, formulation and implementation of penalties and interest to be assessed for failure to pay the tax as provided.
C. The Tax Administrator shall annually audit the taxes imposed by this Chapter to verify that tax revenues have been properly expended in accordance with the law.
D. Pursuant to California Constitution Article XIIIB, the appropriation limit for the City is increased to the maximum extent over the maximum period of time allowed under law consistent with the revenues generated by the tax established by this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18.]
The Tax shall be due and payable as follows:
A. The tax established by this Chapter shall be collected four (4) times a year on a quarterly basis. Each person owing tax shall prepare and file a tax return to the Tax Administrator setting out the total amount of tax owed for the preceding reporting period during which the tax was in effect. The return shall be filed by the end of the month following the applicable reporting period, in accordance with the following table, or as otherwise provided for by the Tax Administrator. At the time the tax return is filed, the full amount of the tax owed for the preceding reporting period shall be remitted to the Tax Administrator.
Reporting Period
Period End Date
Due Date
January – March | March 31 | April 30 |
April – June | June 30 | July 31 |
July – September | September 30 | October 31 |
October – December | December 31 | January 31 |
B. All tax returns shall be completed on forms provided by the Tax Administrator.
C. Tax returns and payments for all outstanding taxes owed the City are immediately due to the Tax Administrator within 15 days after cessation of business for any reason.
D. Whenever any payment, statement, report, request or other communication received by the Tax Administrator is received after the time prescribed by this Section for the receipt thereof, but is in an envelope bearing a postmark showing that it was mailed on or prior to the date prescribed in this Section for the receipt thereof, or whenever the Tax Administrator is furnished substantial proof that the payment, statement, report, request, or other communication was in fact deposited in the United States mail on or prior to the date prescribed for receipt thereof, the Tax Administrator may regard such payment, statement, report, request, or other communication as having been timely received. If the due date falls on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the due date shall be the next regular business day on which the City Hall is open to the public.
E. Unless otherwise specifically provided under other provisions of this Chapter, the taxes required to be paid pursuant to this Chapter shall be deemed delinquent if not paid on or before the due date specified in Subsection (A) of this Section.
F. The Tax Administrator is not required to send a delinquency or other notice or bill to any person subject to the provisions of this Chapter and failure to send such notice or bill shall not affect the validity of any tax or penalty due under the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18; Ord. No. 616, Section 3, 9/9/20.]
A. Any person who fails or refuses to pay any tax required to be paid pursuant to this Chapter on or before the due date shall pay penalties and interest as follows:
1. A penalty equal to 25 percent of the amount of the tax in addition to the amount of the tax, plus interest on the unpaid tax calculated from the due date of the tax at a rate established by resolution of the City Council; and
2. An additional penalty equal to 25 percent of the amount of the tax if the tax remains unpaid for a period exceeding one calendar month beyond the due date, plus interest on the unpaid tax and interest on the unpaid penalties calculated at the rate established by resolution of the City Council.
B. Whenever a check is submitted in payment of a tax and the check is subsequently returned unpaid by the bank upon which the check is drawn, and the check is not redeemed prior to the due date, the taxpayer will be liable for the tax amount due plus penalties and interest as provided for in this Section plus any amount allowed under State law.
C. The tax due shall be that amount due and payable from January 1, 2019 or the first date on which the cannabis business first engaged in business in the City, whichever date occurred last, together with applicable penalties and interest calculated in accordance with Subsection (A) of this Section.
D. The Tax Administrator may waive the first and second penalties of 25 percent each imposed upon any person if:
1. The person provides evidence satisfactory to the Tax Administrator that failure to pay timely was due to circumstances beyond the control of the person and occurred notwithstanding the exercise of ordinary care and the absence of willful neglect, and the person paid the delinquent tax and accrued interest owed the City prior to applying to the Tax Administrator for a waiver.
2. The waiver provisions specified in this Subsection shall not apply to interest accrued on the delinquent tax and a waiver shall be granted only once during any 24 month period.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18.]
A. No refund shall be made of any tax collected pursuant to this Chapter, except as provided in this Section.
B. No refund of any tax collected pursuant to this Chapter shall be made because of the discontinuation, dissolution, or other termination of a cannabis business.
C. Whenever the amount of any tax, penalty, or interest has been overpaid, paid more than once, or has been erroneously or illegally collected or received by the City under this Chapter, such amount may be refunded to the person who paid the tax provided that a written claim for refund is timely filed with the City, pursuant to this Code. The period for filing a claim for refund shall be one year from the time the tax was paid or erroneously or illegally collected; provided however, that in no event shall the period to file such claim expire prior to the shortest period allowable for filing a tax refund claim under Government Code Section 911.2. Such claim must clearly establish claimant's right to the refund by written records showing entitlement thereto, and must clearly set forth the facts and legal theories under which the claimant believes he or she has right to a refund. Where the amount of any individual refund claim is in excess of the amount set by ordinance or resolution of the City Council relating to the settlement of general liability claims against the City by the City Manager, City Council approval shall be required.
D. The filing of a written claim pursuant to Government Code Section 935 is a prerequisite to any suit thereon.
E. The Tax Administrator shall have the right to examine and audit all the books and business records of the claimant in order to determine the eligibility of the claimant to the claimed refund. No claim for refund shall be allowed if the claimant refuses to allow such examination of claimant's books and business records after request by the Tax Administrator to do so.
F. Any person entitled to a refund of taxes paid pursuant to this Chapter may elect in writing to have such refund applied as a credit against a cannabis business's taxes for the next calendar quarter.
G. In the event that the tax was erroneously paid and the error is attributable to the City, the amount of the tax erroneously paid shall be refunded to the claimant. If the error is attributable to the claimant, the City shall retain the amount set forth in this Chapter from the amount to be refunded to cover expenses.
H. The Tax Administrator shall initiate a refund of any tax which has been overpaid or erroneously collected whenever the overpayment or erroneous collection is uncovered by a City audit of tax revenues.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18.]
A. It shall be the duty of the Tax Administrator to enforce each and all of the provisions of this Chapter.
B. For purposes of administration and enforcement of this Chapter generally, the Tax Administrator, with the concurrence of the City Attorney, may from time to time promulgate administrative rules and regulations.
C. The Tax Administrator shall have the power to audit and examine all books and records of cannabis businesses as well as persons engaged in the operation of cannabis businesses, including both state and federal income tax returns, California sales tax returns, or other evidence documenting the gross receipts of or the transaction prices charged by a cannabis business or persons engaged in the operation of a cannabis business, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of tax, if any, required to be paid by the provisions of this Chapter, and for the purpose of verifying any statements or any item thereof when filed by any person pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. If such cannabis business or person, after written demand by the Tax Administrator, refuses to make available for audit, examination or verification such books, records, or equipment as the Tax Administrator requests, the Tax Administrator may, after full consideration of all information within the Tax Administrator's knowledge concerning the cannabis business and its business and activities of the person so refusing, make an assessment in the manner provided in Section 3.60.130.
D. The conviction and punishment of any person for failure to pay the required tax shall not excuse or exempt such person from any civil action for the tax debt unpaid at the time of such conviction. No civil action shall prevent a criminal prosecution for any violation of the provisions of this Chapter or of any State law requiring the payment of all taxes.
E. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or any regulation or rule passed in accordance herewith, or knowingly or intentionally misrepresenting to any officer or employee of the City any material fact in procuring the a cannabis business certificate or permit from the City shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18.]
A. The amount of any tax, penalties, and interest imposed by the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed a debt to the City and any person operating a cannabis business without having paid any applicable tax, penalties, and interest shall be liable in an action in the name of the City in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the tax, and penalties and interest imposed on such cannabis business.
B. If the Tax Administrator is not satisfied that any statement filed as required under the provisions of this Chapter is correct, or that the amount of tax is correctly computed, the Tax Administrator may compute and determine the amount to be paid and make a deficiency determination upon the basis of the facts contained in the statement or upon the basis of any information in his or her possession or that may come into his or her possession. One or more deficiency determinations of the amount of tax due for a period or periods may be made. When a person discontinues engaging in a cannabis business, a deficiency determination may be made at any time within three years thereafter as to any liability arising from engaging in such business whether or not a deficiency determination is issued prior to the date the tax would otherwise be due. Whenever a deficiency determination is made, notice shall be given to the person concerned in the same manner as notices of assessment are given under Subsections (C), (D), and (E) of this Section.
C. Under any of the following circumstances, the Tax Administrator may make and give notice of an assessment of the amount of tax owed by a person under this Chapter:
1. If the person has not filed any statement or return required under the provisions of this Chapter;
2. If the person has not paid any tax due under the provisions of this Chapter;
3. If the person has not, after demand by the Tax Administrator, filed a corrected statement or return, or furnished to the Tax Administrator adequate substantiation of the information contained in a statement or return already filed, or paid any additional amount of tax due under the provisions of this Chapter;
4. If the Tax Administrator determines that the nonpayment of any tax due under this Chapter is due to fraud, a penalty of 25 percent of the amount of the tax shall be added thereto in addition to penalties and interest. otherwise stated in this Chapter.
5. The notice of assessment shall separately set forth the amount of any tax known by the Tax Administrator to be due or estimated by the Tax Administrator, after consideration of all information within the Tax Administrator's knowledge concerning the business and activities of the person assessed, to be due under each applicable section of this Chapter, and shall include the amount of any penalties or interest accrued on each amount to the date of the notice of assessment.
D. The notice of assessment shall be served upon the person either by handing it to him or her personally, or by a deposit of the notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the person at the address of the location of the cannabis business appearing on the face of the business license issued under this Code, or to such other address as he or she shall register with the Tax Administrator for the purpose of receiving notices provided under this Chapter; or, should the person have no business license issued and should the person have no address registered with the Tax Administrator for such purpose, then to such person's last known address. For the purposes of this section, a service by mail is complete at the time of deposit in the United States mail.
E. Within ten calendar days after the date of service the person may apply in wilting to the Tax Administrator for a hearing on the assessment. If application for a hearing before the City is not made within the time herein prescribed, the tax assessed by the Tax Administrator shall become final and conclusive.
F. If the person requests a hearing, the Tax Administrator shall cause the matter to be set for hearing, which shall be held within 30 calendar days after receipt of the written request for hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be mailed by the Tax Administrator to such person at least ten calendar days prior to the hearing, and, if the Tax Administrator desires said person to produce specific records at such hearing, such notice may designate the records requested to be produced.
G. At the time fixed for the hearing, the Tax Administrator shall hear all relevant testimony and evidence, including that of any other interested parties. At the discretion of the Tax Administrator, the hearing may be continued from time to time for the purpose of allowing the presentation of additional evidence. Within a reasonable time following the conclusion of the hearing, the Tax Administrator shall issue a final assessment (or non-assessment), by confirming, modifying or rejecting the original deficiency determination, and shall mail a copy of such final assessment to the person owing the tax. The decision of the Tax Administrator may be appealed pursuant to Section 3.60.140 of this Chapter,
H. Unless appealed, payment of the final assessment shall become delinquent if not received by the Tax Administrator on or before the thirtieth calendar day following the date of receipt of the notice of fmal assessment. The penalty for delinquency shall be at the rates set forth herein, along with interest at the rate as set forth by resolution of the City Council, on the amount of the tax, exclusive of penalties, from the date of delinquency, until paid. The applicable statute of limitations regarding a claim by the City seeking payment of a tax assessed under this Section shall commence from the date of delinquency as provided in this subsection.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18.]
A. The provisions of this section apply to any deficiency determination, assessment, or administrative ruling of the Tax Administrator. Any person aggrieved by any decision, deficiency determination, assessment, or administrative ruling of the Tax Administrator, shall be required to comply with the appeals procedure of this section. Compliance with this section shall be a prerequisite to a suit thereon. [See Government Code Section 935(b).]
B. If any person is aggrieved by any deficiency determination, assessment, or administrative ruling of the Tax Administrator; he or she may appeal to the City Manager by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten calendar days of the date of the deficiency determination, assessment, or administrative ruling of the Tax Administrator which aggrieved the person.
C. If the person requests an appeal, the City Clerk shall cause the matter to be set for hearing, which shall be held within 30 calendar days after receipt of the written request for appeal. Notice of the time and place of the appeal hearing shall be mailed by the City Clerk to such person at least ten calendar days prior to the hearing, and, if the City Manager desires said person to produce specific records at such hearing, such notice may designate the records requested to be produced. For the purposes of this section, a service by mail is complete at the time of deposit in the United States mail.
D. At the time fixed for the hearing, the City Manager shall hear all relevant testimony and evidence, de novo, including that of any other interested parties. At the discretion of the City Manager, the hearing may be continued from time to time for the purpose of allowing the presentation of additional evidence, Within a reasonable time following the conclusion of the hearing, the City Manager shall issue a final decision confirming, modifying or rejecting the Tax Administrator's deficiency determination, and shall mail a copy of such final decision to the person owing the tax. The City Manager's decision shall be final and subject only to judicial review shall be pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Payment of the final assessment shall become delinquent if not received by the Tax Administrator on or before the thirtieth (30th) calendar day following the date of receipt of the City Manager's decision.
[Ord. No. 594, Section 1, 12/12/18.]