The City Manager, Finance Director and each City department head, under the direction of the City Manager, shall review annually the fees and service charges of the City, and provide an adjusted fee or charge schedule to the City Council for its consideration so as to recover the listed percentage of costs reasonably borne necessary to provide the listed regulation, product or service.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
Pursuant to the Government Code, at least ten (10) days prior to the required public hearing set out herein, the City Manager shall make available to the public appropriate data indicating the cost or estimated cost required to support the fees and charges for which changes are proposed to be made or fees or charges imposed. The City Manager also shall provide a summary of the present fee and charge schedules and those proposed at such annual public hearing. A general explanation of such changes also shall be published pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 6062a.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
A. Any person who believes that any fee or charge determined and set is in excess of the percentage of costs reasonably borne to be recovered as set out in this Chapter, or that such fee or charge has been reviewed prior to or has not been reviewed within the review schedule as set out herein, may appeal in writing to the City Council.
B. No fee or charge for which an appeal has been filed shall take effect until heard by the City Council. Such appeal shall be placed on the agenda of the next following Council meeting after receipt of such appeal and heard at the next following Council meeting thereafter. Such appealed fee or charge shall take effect immediately upon hearing by the City Council unless ordered otherwise by the City Council by ordinance amending this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
A. The fee schedule for Fire Prevention and inspection Sen/ices, which shall be collected by the City for primary fire prevention and reporting services provided by the San Bernardino County Fire Department under contract to the City, shall be established by resolution of the City Council. Such services include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Plan checks on commercial developments in accordance with all adopted codes and ordinances and associated fees;
2. Life Safety inspections, conducted annually on commercial occupancies and for the determination of the frequency of inspections in high hazard occupancies; and
3. Fire prevention activities, fire inspections and plan reviews.
B. In adopting this Section, the City Council has found and determined that the Fire Prevention and Inspection Services fees established herein represent the actual cost to the City of providing the services, administering the Fire Prevention and Inspection Services program and collecting and ensuring the appropriate allocation of the fees collected.
C. The Fire Marshal of the San Bernardino County Fire Department is appointed the Fire Marshal for the City of Adelanto.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
A. Contracts for public works projects, as defined in California Labor Code Sections 1720 et seq., that are undertaken or contracted for directly by the City shall require compliance with California Labor Code Sections 1770 through 1782, as may be amended, for construction work over $25,000 and for alteration, demolition, repair or maintenance work over $15,000. Any notice inviting bids for such public works projects shall include notification of the provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 396; Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07; Ord. No. 526, Section 2, 6/11/14.]