17.25.110 Drive-Through Facilities
   The purpose of this subsection is to ensure that drive-through facilities do not impose adverse impacts on adjacent uses or the surrounding neighborhood because of customer or employee parking demand, traffic generation, noise, light or litter. Review of proposed development plans shall check consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan and compliance with the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (a)   Location Standards
      (1)   Drive-through businesses shall not disrupt the pedestrian activity of adjacent or nearby commercial uses or commercially zoned property.
      (2)   The use shall not interfere with the normal activity of adjacent or adjoining properties or potential for planned commercial development.
      (3)   Drive-through businesses shall not locate within 150 feet of residential used property or residential zoning district, without issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.
   (b)   Development Standards
      (1)   Access
         A.   Each developed site shall not have more than one (1) point of access per street frontage.
         B.   Drive-through aisles shall not take direct access from a public street or thoroughfare, but instead take access from a parking area or on-site drive aisles.
      (2)   Hours
         A.   A drive-through located adjacent to any residential use or district shall not open prior to 6:00 am or after 10:00 p.m.
         B.   The approval of administrative or discretionary permits may further restrict the hours of operation for such use when adjacent to residential uses or residential districts and where modified hours are necessary to mitigate potential adverse impacts related to noise, traffic, or lighting.
      (3)   Drive-through Lane/Stacking for food establishments
         A.   Drive-through lanes shall have a minimum length of 120 feet from entry to pick-up window, accommodating six (6) vehicles.
         B.   The lane shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet on the straight section and twelve (12) feet on curved sections.
         C.   Design of drive-through lanes shall incorporate a combination of landscaping, low screen walls, and trellises.
         D.   Drive-through lanes shall be situated to best separate pedestrian and vehicular uses, including avoidance of walkways and designated pedestrian pathways.
         E.   A physical barrier with a low wall or solid landscaped hedge 36" to 42" in height shall separate the drive-through lane from other parking and circulation areas and shall also be required adjacent to public rights-of way, per Chapter 17.60 (Landscaping/Water Conservation).
      (4)   Drive-through Lane/Stacking for non-food establishments
         A.   Drive-through lanes shall have a minimum length of 60 feet from entry to pick-up window, accommodating three (3) vehicles.
         B.   The lane shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet on the straight section and twelve (12) feet on curved sections.
         C.   Design of drive-through lanes shall incorporate a combination of landscaping, low screen walls, and trellises.
         D.   Drive-through lanes shall be situated to best separate pedestrian and vehicular uses, including avoidance of walkways and designated pedestrian pathways.
         E.   A physical barrier with a low wall or solid landscaped hedge 36" to 42" in height shall separate the drive-through lane from other parking and circulation areas and shall also be required adjacent to public rights-of way.
      (5)   Location and Setbacks. Drive-through lanes shall not be located within required setbacks or required landscape areas. The lanes shall comply with the Parking Area setback standard per Table 25-1(G).
      (6)   Noise. Noise emanating from sound systems, including intercom and public address systems, shall not be audible beyond the property line.
      (7)   Signs. All signs shall conform to Chapter 17.70, Signs. Drive-through businesses within or abutting a commercial shopping center must comply with the sign program for the commercial center. For drive-through businesses abutting a commercial shopping center, signs shall be consistent and compatible with the center. In addition, drive-through businesses may have two (2) menu signs with a maximum height of six (6) feet and a maximum sign area of twenty-four (24) square feet.
      (8)   Landscaping/Water Conservation. Berming and landscaping shall be provided to screen the entire drive-through area. Landscaping requirements shall be subject to Chapter 17.60, Landscaping/Water Conservation and Chapter 17.15 of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Permits Required
      The following review process shall be followed:
      (1)   A Conditional Use Permit and Location and Development Plan are required for any drive-through facility closer than 150 feet to a residential use or residentially zoned property. The distance is measured from property line to property line of the subject drive-through facility to the residential lot or residentially zoned property; or
      (2)   A Location and Development Plan is required for all other proposed drive-through facilities in compliance with this Zoning Code.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit G, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit I, 9/10/14.]