17.80.030 Churches, Temples, Religious Institutions, Non-profits and Other Similar Institutions
   (a)   All churches, temples, religious institutions, non-profits and other similar institutions shall require a Location and Development Plan approval and Conditional Use Permit approval, as indicated in Appendix A .
   (b)   All buildings, structures, setbacks, building height and landscaping shall be developed in a manner harmonious and compatible with development on surrounding properties.
   (c)   Off-street parking spaces shall be required as per Chapter 17.65 and 17.15 of this Zoning Code. The number of parking spaces shall be determined in Table 65-2 of the aforementioned code section. Exterior parking areas shall be screened with landscaping to be compatible with and an enhancement to surrounding land uses.
   (d)   All exterior lighting shall be designed, oriented, and constructed to shield adjacent properties from adverse glare effects.
   (e)   Establishment of a church does not automatically permit any school, day nursery, kindergarten, or any congregation of persons for purposes other than religious instruction, worship, or guidance. Any such additional uses shall be subject to the use requirements of the zoning district in which they are located.
   (f)   Churches, Temples, religious institutions, non-profit and other similar institutions proposed to be located in residential zones shall only be allowed if vehicular access is from a Major Street/Boulevard, Collector Street, Activity Street or Loop Street-One Way, as identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit K, 5/22/13; Ord No. 528, Exhibit Q, 9/10/14.]