(A)   Intent. The R-MF-1, Multi-Family Residential, Districts are established to promote the development of multi-family dwellings and limited public and institutional uses that are compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. The development standards and range of permitted uses are designed to encourage clustering in order to promote establishing on-site amenities and to allow multi- family dwelling development in compliance with the multi-family land use recommendation of the master development plan of the town.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Primary uses.
         (a)   Multi-family dwellings;
         (b)   Residential facility for the developmentally disabled;
         (c)   Residential facility for the mentally ill, subject to the provisions of § 194.100 of this chapter; and
         (d)   Child care home (that is used as the primary residence of the person who operates the child care home).
      (2)   Special exception uses. Mobile dwelling park.
      (3)   Accessory uses. See § 194.095 of this chapter.
      (4)   Home occupations. See § 194.097 of this chapter.
      (5)   Temporary uses. See § 194.096 of this chapter.
   (C)   Development standards. Except mobile dwelling parks. All uses permitted in the R-MF-1 District shall conform to the following development standards.
      (1)   Maximum project gross density. Nine dwelling units per acre.
      (2)   Attachment to public water and sanitary sewer facilities. Shall be mandatory for development in this district.
      (3)   Minimum project area. There shall be no required minimum project area other than the land area necessary to provide for the development standards of this section.
      (4)   Minimum project frontage. 150 feet on a public street and gain access from said public street.
      (5)   Minimum setbacks and perimeter yard requirements. A minimum setback and perimeter yard shall be provided along all property lines of the project as follows:
         (a)   Front:
            1.   A minimum front yard and building setback measured from the proposed right-of-way shall be provided as follows:
               a.   Primary arterial street: 35 feet;
               b.   Secondary arterial street: 35 feet; and
               c.   Collector/local street/cul-de-sac or other street: 35 feet.
            2.   In the case where a proposed right-of-way line does not exist, as determined by the thoroughfare plan for the town or where the existing right-of-way is greater, the existing right-of-way line shall be used for the setback measurement.
         (b)   Side yards: 25 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yards: 25 feet.
      (6)   Use of perimeter yards. Perimeter yards shall be landscaped with grass and shrubbery, trees or hedge, or in combination with other suitable ground cover materials, subject to the requirements of § 194.109 of this chapter and shall remain as open space free from structures, except where expressly permitted by this chapter. Perimeter yards:
         (a)   May include pedestrian walks, driveways, interior access driveways, flag poles, fences, screening wall and similar appurtenant structures; and
         (b)   Shall not include parking areas or interior access drives.
      (7)   Minimum interior yards. In projects containing two or more buildings, interior yards shall be provided as follows.
         (a)   Around buildings containing dwelling units, the greater of 15 feet or ten feet, plus one additional foot for each ten feet of aggregate length of any wall of a building.
         (b)   Around accessory buildings or uses: five feet.
         (c)   The distance between buildings shall be the sum of each applicable minimum interior yard.
         (d)   Interior yards shall be measured perpendicular to the building or structure at all points.
         (e)   Interior yards shall not overlap any required perimeter yards. Lakes, ponds or other water bodies, shall not be included in the calculation and measurement of an interior yard.
      (8)   Use of interior yards. Required interior yards shall be used for open space and landscaping; provided, however, that, up to 50% of an interior yard may be used for driveways, interior access drives, parking areas, sidewalks, open balconies, uncovered porches and patios.
      (9)   Maximum building height.
         (a)   Primary building: 35 feet, but not to exceed three stories containing a dwelling unit; and
         (b)   Accessory buildings: 25 feet.
      (10)   Minimum floor area. The minimum floor area each multi-family dwelling unit, exclusive of garage, carport, deck, patio and open parches shall be:
         (a)   One thousand two hundred square feet for dwelling units located on one story; and
         (b)   Six hundred square feet per floor for dwelling units located on more than one floor.
      (11)   Off-street parking. See § 194.105 of this chapter.
      (12)   Signs. See §§ 194.160 through 194.169 of this chapter.
      (13)   Vision clearance areas. See § 194.021 of this chapter.
      (14)   Landscaping and screening requirements. See § 194.109 of this chapter.
      (15)   Developed recreational open space requirements. Developed recreational open space areas equal to, at a minimum, 10% of the total lot area of the project shall be required. Developed recreational open space may include, but not be limited to, such facilities as: playgrounds; tot lots; swimming pools; tennis, volleyball or basketball courts; walking and jogging paths; and common recreational buildings. Developed recreational open space areas shall not overlap any required interior yards or perimeter yards.
      (16)   Requirements for all private streets, interior access driveways and interior access drives for multi-family dwelling projects. Individual buildings and dwelling units located within a multi-family dwelling project may be served by private streets, interior access driveways and interior access drives developed in compliance with the standards set forth in § 194.108 of this chapter.
   (D)   Development standards, mobile dwelling parks. Mobile dwelling parks shall comply with the following development standards.
      (1)   Project area.
         (a)   Minimum area: ten acres;
         (b)   Maximum area: 40 acres; and
         (c)   Attachment to public water and sanitary sewer facilities: shall be mandatory for development of a mobile dwelling park.
      (2)   Minimum park frontage. Each park shall have at least 150 feet of contiguous frontage on a public street and shall gain direct access from said street. Each park containing over 30 dwelling units shall provide at least two accesses from a perimeter public street.
      (3)   Minimum setbacks and perimeter yard requirements. A minimum building setback and perimeter yard shall be provided along all property lines of the project as follows: Front:
         (a)   A minimum front perimeter yard and building setback measured from the right-of-way shall be provided as follows:
            1.   Primary arterial street: 60 feet;
            2.   Secondary arterial street: 40 feet; and
            3.   Local street/cul-de-sac street: 30 feet.
         (b)   Minimum side perimeter yards and building setbacks: 30 feet; and
         (c)   Minimum rear perimeter yards and building setbacks: 30 feet.
      (4)   Use of minimum perimeter yards. All minimum perimeter yards shall be landscaped with grass or other suitable ground cover materials, shall remain free from structures, except where expressly permitted below.
         (a)   Minimum front perimeter yards may include driveways and shall be landscaped with one deciduous shade tree, ornamental tree or evergreen tree planted for every 40 feet of frontage along all required front yards. Such trees shall be reasonably spaced within and along the required front yard.
         (b)   Minimum side and rear perimeter yards may include interior access driveways connecting adjoining lots and shall be landscaped with one deciduous shade tree, ornamental tree or evergreen tree planted for every 30 feet of linear distance along all required side and rear perimeter yards. Such trees shall be reasonably spaced within and along all required side and rear perimeter yards.
      (5)   Mobile dwelling placement.
         (a)   Each mobile dwelling shall be located on an individual mobile dwelling site.
         (b)   Minimum mobile dwelling site area:
            1.   Single wide units: 4,000 square feet; and
            2.   Double (or greater) wide units: 5,000 square feet.
         (c)   Front building setback: ten feet from right-of-way of an internal public street or ten feet from the curb line of any interior private street or interior access drive within the park. Parking spaces shall not be permitted within this required setback.
         (d)   A minimum distance of 50 feet shall be provided between any mobile dwelling and any non-mobile dwelling within the mobile dwelling park.
         (e)   A minimum distance of 25 feet shall be provided between all mobile dwellings at their closest point to each other.
         (f)   Any mobile dwelling accessory structure open on at least two sides may project into such required interior yard; provided that, the distance between such accessory structure and any other mobile dwelling, or between such accessory structures of two mobile dwellings, shall be at least 15 feet.
      (6)   Minimum recreational and open space areas.
         (a)   Developed recreational and common open space areas equal to, at a minimum, 10% of the total area of the mobile dwelling park shall be required. Land used for the required perimeter yard, mobile dwelling sites, vehicular areas, access easements and rights-of-way shall not be considered as part of this required 10% open space. Items such as drainage swales may be included as open space if, through proper design, they add favorably to the open space inventory and site development of the mobile dwelling park and do not present a health or safety hazard to mobile dwelling park residents.
         (b)   Recreational and common open space areas shall be accessible to all mobile dwelling park residents, appropriately located within the mobile dwelling park with respect to the residents they are designed to serve and with regard to adjacent land uses. Accessibility to such areas shall not solely be gained by way of a mobile dwelling site.
      (7)   Off-street parking. See § 194.098 of this chapter.
      (8)   Open storage area. An open storage area shall be provided within the park boundaries for the purpose of storing travel trailers, campers, boats and other recreational vehicles owned by park residents. The open storage area required for the park shall be computed on the basis of 120 square feet of space per mobile dwelling site. Such open storage areas shall be screened so as not to be directly visible from any perimeter boundary of the park and shall be accessible to all park residents. Travel trailers, campers, boats and other recreational vehicles shall be permitted to be stored only in such storage areas, whether temporarily or permanently.
      (9)   Paved stands. All mobile dwellings sites shall be improved as follows.
         (a)   Concrete runners, concrete pillars or a paved stand shall be provided to accommodate each mobile dwelling.
         (b)   An anchoring system or tie-down shall be provided, installed and attached to the mobile dwelling upon its placement on the mobile dwelling site to withstand the specified horizontal, up-lift, overturning wind forces on a mobile dwelling based upon accepted engineering design standards as required by Regulation HSE 21 of the state’s Board of Health.
      (10)   Skirting. No later than 30 days after a mobile dwelling has been placed upon a mobile dwelling site, the areas between the bottom of the sides and ends of the mobile dwelling and the surface upon which it is located shall be enclosed by walls made of a visibly opaque skirting material. Mobile dwellings shall have skirting or other design attachments installed by the mobile dwelling owner which shall harmonize with the architectural style of the mobile dwelling. Access doors shall be permitted under the mobile dwelling.
      (11)   Maximum building height.
         (a)   All mobile dwellings, accessory buildings or structures: 25 feet; and
         (b)   All management offices, common recreation and service buildings: 35 feet.
      (12)   Streets and sidewalks.
         (a)   Public streets, private streets, interior access drives, driveways and off-street parking areas shall be provided in accordance with § 194.108 of this chapter.
         (b)   Sidewalks shall be installed within each park in accordance with the following.
            1.   Sidewalks are required to be installed on one side of a street with an improved width of 20 feet or less and on both sides of a street with an improved width of greater than 20 feet.
            2.   All sidewalks shall be hard surfaced, shall have a width of no less than four feet, and shall have a thickness of no less than four inches.
      (13)   Signs. See §§ 194.160 through 194.169 of this chapter.
      (14)   Vision clearance areas. See § 194.021 of this chapter.
   (E)   Development plan approval required. Lots located in a R-MF-1 District shall be subject to the filing of a development plan for review and approval by the Plan Commission, as set forth in §§ 194.125 through 194.128 of this chapter.
   (F)   General regulations. See general regulations for R districts.
(Ord. 2000-16, passed 8-28-2000, § 2.11)