When signs have been erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person operating a vehicle to fail to stop at a “STOP” sign as required by G.S. § 20-158(b) at the following intersections (traffic on the first named street shall stop before entering the intersection):
Intersections | Ord. No.
Intersections | Ord. No.
Azalea Drive at Pineview Drive | 1987-6 |
Azalea Drive at Spruce Drive | - |
Banjo Court at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Barbee Avenue at Wakefield Street | - |
Barbee Avenue at Arendell Avenue | - |
Bell Street at Judd Street | - |
Calvin Street at Sexton Avenue | 1983-11 |
Cambridge Drive at Stratford Drive | - |
Cambridge Drive at Wedgwood Avenue | - |
Canterbury at US 64 Business | 1984-6 |
Canterbury at Pony Road | 1984-6 |
Cedar Court at Cedar Drive | 1984-6 |
Cedar Drive at Pineview Drive | 1984-6 |
Cedar Drive at Sasswood Lane | - |
Church Street at Horton Street | - |
Church Street at Vance Street | - |
Church Street at Sycamore Street | - |
Church Street at Gannon Avenue | - |
Church Street at Glenn Street | 1987-15 |
Church Street at Judd Street | - |
Coventry Drive at Wedgwood Avenue | - |
Coventry Drive at Yates Place | - |
Derby Place at Somerset Drive | 1984-6 |
Devon Place at Coventry Drive | - |
Dobro Court at Southland Drive | - |
Intersections | Ord. No.
Intersections | Ord. No.
Dogwood Drive at Arendell Avenue | 1999-14 |
Dulcimer Lane at Southland Drive | - |
Emorywood Court at Franklin Street | - |
Flowers Avenue at Glenn Street | - |
Flowers Avenue at North Street | - |
Franklin Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
Franklin Street at Church Street | - |
Franklin Street at Lee Street Extension | - |
Franklin Street at Parkside Place | - |
Franklin Street at Wakefield | 1987-11 |
Gill Street at NC 97 | - |
Gill Street at North Street | - |
Gill Street at Sycamore Street | - |
Glenn Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Glenn Street at Church Street | - |
Glenn Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
Gordon Street at Sexton Avenue | 1983-11 |
Hempstede at Lanier Lane | 1987-23 |
Hendricks Drive at Highway 96 | 1999-16 |
Highway NC 97 at Old US #64 | - |
Horton Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Hospital Road at 64 Business | - |
Hospital Road at Pony Road | - |
Judd Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
Judd Street at Old US #64 | - |
Lakeside Circle at Franklin Street | - |
Lanier Lane at Gannon Avenue (NC Hwy. 97) | 1987-6 |
Lee Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Lee Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
Intersections | Ord. No.
Intersections | Ord. No.
Lee Street at Church Street | - |
Lee Street Extension at Judd Street | - |
Leeds Place at Wedgwood Avenue | - |
Liberty Street at Gannon Avenue | - |
McIver Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
McIver Street at Church Street | - |
McIver Street at Lee Street Extension | - |
McIver Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Mandolin Lane at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Mandolin Place and Southland Drive | - |
Naomi Street at Horton Street | 1984-6 |
Naomi Street at NC Hwy 97 East | 1984-6 |
North Street at Wakefield Street | - |
North Street at Church Street | - |
North Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
North Street at Old US #64 | - |
North Street at Whitley Street | - |
Oak Street at Primrose Place | 1983-15, 1984-6 |
Oak Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Old US 64-NC 97 Junction Street at Old US #64 | - |
Old US 64-NC 97 Junction Street at NC 97 | - |
Parkside Place at Franklin Street | - |
Pineview Drive at Gannon Avenue (NC Hwy 97) | 1984-6 |
Pineview Subdivision | 2000-16 |
Banjo Drive at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Dobro Court at Southland Drive | - |
Dulcimer Court at Southland Drive | - |
Fiddle Court at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Golden Slipper Court at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Harmonica Drive at Spruce Drive | - |
Mandolin Place at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Mandolin Place at Southland Drive | - |
Piney Glen Lane at Smokey Mountain Drive | - |
Pitt Street at North Street | - |
Intersections | Ord. No.
Intersections | Ord. No.
Pitt Street at Stronach Avenue | - |
Pitt Street at NC 97 | - |
Pony Road at NC 97 | - |
Poplar Street at Vance Street | - |
Poplar Street at Horton Street | - |
Poplar Street at Sycamore Street | - |
Poplar Street at Old US #64 | - |
Poplar Street at NC 97 | - |
Poplar Street at North Street | - |
Primrose Place at Barbee Avenue | 1983-15 |
Primrose Place at Wakefield Street | 1983-15, 1984-6 |
Privette Street at Stronach Avenue | - |
Rotary Drive at Horton Street | 1981-14 |
Rotary Drive at Sycamore Street | 1981-14 |
Rotary Drive at Gannon Avenue | 1981-14 |
Sasswood Lane at Azalea Drive | - |
Sexton Avenue at Gannon Avenue (NC Hwy 97) | 1983-11 |
Shannon Street at Pony Road | 1984-6 |
Shannon Street at US 64 Business | 1984-6 |
Silver Street at Primrose Place | 1983-15, 1984-6 |
Smokey Mountain Drive at Southland Drive | - |
Somerset Drive at Cambridge Drive | 1984-6 |
Somerset Drive at Wedgewood Drive | 1984-6 |
Spruce Drive at Pineview Drive | 1987-6 |
Stratford Drive at Wedgwood Avenue | - |
Intersections | Ord. No.
Intersections | Ord. No.
Stratford Drive at NC 97 | - |
Stronach Avenue at Gill Street | - |
Stronach Avenue at Whitley Street | - |
Stronach Avenue at Old US #64 | - |
Sycamore Street at Arendell Avenue | - |
Sycamore Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Sycamore Street at Whitley Street | 1983-2, 1984-6 |
Vance Street at Wakefield Street | - |
Vance Street at Whitley Street | - |
Wakefield Street at Gannon Avenue | - |
Wakefield Street at Glenn Street | 1987-15 |
Wakefield Street at Judd Street | - |
Wedgwood Avenue at NC 97 | - |
Wellington Drive at Stratford Drive | - |
Whitley Street at NC 97 | - |
Whitley Street at Horton Street | - |
Worth Hinton Road at Gannon Avenue (NC Hwy 97) | 1984-6 |
Zebulon High School Driveways at Old US #64 | - |
(1985 Code, Ch. 74, Sch. I) Penalty, see § 70.99
When signs have been erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to fail to yield the right-of-way at a “YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY” sign as required by G.S. § 20-158 at the following intersections (traffic on the first named street shall yield the right-of-way to traffic on the second named street).
Yield Street | Intersection | Ord. No.
- | - | - |
(1985 Code, Ch. 74, Sch. II)
(A) It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in the town in excess of 20 mph along the following streets.
Description | Ord. No.
Description | Ord. No.
Arendell Avenue from Gannon Avenue to Barbee Street | - |
Cambridge Drive from Wedgwood Avenue to Stratford Avenue | - |
Cul-de-sac from Vance Street into housing project | - |
Horton Street from Church Street to Arendell Avenue | - |
Hospital Road from Pony Road to US 64 Business | - |
Stratford Avenue from NC 97 to Cambridge Drive | - |
Vance Street from Church Street to Poplar Street | - |
Wedgwood Avenue from NC 97 to Cambridge Drive | - |
(B) It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in the town in excess of 25 mph along the following streets.
Description | Ord. No.
Description | Ord. No.
Azalea Drive | 1987-6 |
Barbee Street from Arendell Avenue to eastern corporate limits | - |
Calvin Street in its entirety | 1983-10 |
Cedar Court | 1987-6 |
Cedar Drive | 1987-6 |
Church Street from Judd Street to Vance Street | - |
Coventry Drive from Yates Place to Wedgwood Avenue | - |
Derby Place in its entirety | - |
Devon Place in its entirety | - |
Flowers Avenue in its entirety | 1983-10 |
Franklin Street from Stratford Drive to Lee Street Extension | - |
Gill Avenue in its entirety | - |
Glenn Street from western corporate limits to Old US 64 East | - |
Gordon Street in its entirety | 1983-10 |
Horton Street from Arendell Avenue to Naomi Street | 1985-17 |
Horton Street from the western corporate limits to Church Street | - |
Judd Street from western corporate limits to Old US 64 East | - |
Lanier Lane | 1987-6 |
Leeds Place in its entirety | - |
Lee Street from Wakefield Street to Poplar Street | - |
Lee Street Extension from Poplar Street to Judd Street | - |
Liberty Street from North Street to Gannon Avenue | - |
McIver Street from Wakefield Street to Lee Street Extension | - |
Description | Ord. No.
Description | Ord. No.
North Street from western corporate limits to eastern corporate limits | - |
Oak Street from Wakefield Street to Primrose Street | - |
Pineview Drive | 1987-6 |
Pitt Street from Stronach Avenue to NC 97 | - |
Poplar Street from Lee Street to Vance Street | - |
Primrose Place in its entirety | 1983-14 |
Rotary Drive from Gannon Avenue to Horton Street | 1981-15 |
Sexton Avenue in its entirety | 1983-10 |
Silver Street in its entirety | 1983-14 |
Somerset Drive from Wedgwood Avenue to Cambridge Drive | - |
Spruce Drive | 1987-6 |
Stratford Drive from Wedgwood Avenue to Cambridge Drive | - |
Stronach Avenue from Old US 64 East to Whitley Street | - |
Sycamore Street in its entirety | - |
Old US 64 from a point 500 feet south of the southern boundary property line of Zebulon High School extending to a point 500 feet north of the northern property line of the school: 7:30 through 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 through 3:30 p.m. (school zone) | - |
Vance Street from Wakefield Street to Church Street | - |
Vance Street from Poplar Street to eastern corporate limits | - |
Wakefield Street from Judd Street to Gannon Avenue | - |
Wedgewood Drive from Cambridge Drive to the northern corporate limits | - |
Wellington Drive in its entirety | - |
West Franklin Street from Wakefield Street to Statford Drive | - |
Whitley Street from Barbee Avenue to NC 97 | - |
Whitley Street north from NC 97 to Stonach Avenue | - |
Yates Place in its entirety | - |
(C) It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in the town in excess of 35 mph along the following streets.
Description | Ord. No.
Description | Ord. No.
Arendell Avenue from Gannon Avenue to northern corporate limits | - |
Arendell Avenue from southern corporate limits to Barbee Avenue | - |
Barbee Street west from Arendell Avenue to Wakefied Street | 1999-01 |
Cemetery Road from Stronach Avenue to the northern corporate limits | - |
Horton Street from Naomi Street to the eastern corporate limits | 1985-17 |
Pony Road from western corporate limits to NC 97 | - |
NC 97 from NC 96 to eastern corporate limits | - |
NC 97 from US 64 Business to the western corporate limits, approximately 0.15 mile west of US 64 Business | 1976-11 |
Old US 64 from NC 97 to northeastern corporate limits | - |
US 64 Business from western corporate limits to NC 96 | - |
Wakefield Street from Gannon Avenue to the southern corporate limits | - |
Whitley Street from Gannon Avenue to Stronach Avenue | - |
Worth Hinton Road from Gannon Avenue to the northern corporate limits | 1983-12 |
(1985 Code, Ch. 74, Sch. IV) Penalty, see § 70.99