1152.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the requirements in this chapter is to provide for appropriate landscaping and screening of parking and other outdoor areas that shall:
   (a)   To conserve and protect to the greatest extent possible the city's existing trees, wooded areas, and fence rows;
   (b)   To enhance and promote the community image;
   (c)   To enhance and preserve economic property values and the quality of life in the city;
   (d)   To aid in the alleviation of erosion, siltation, and other harmful effects of land disturbing activities;
   (e)   To aid in controlling the quantity and intensity of storm water runoff;
   (f)   To alleviate air pollution and non-point source water pollution;
   (g)   To reduce noise pollution and light glare;
   (h)   To conserve energy; to protect and promote the use of existing vegetation as noise and visual buffers;
   (i)   To preserve the environmental and ecological benefit of trees on air pollution and carbon dioxide levels as well as dust filtration;
   (j)   To reduce energy consumption through the wind break and shade effects of trees when they are properly placed on a site;
   (k)   To preserve and enhance nesting areas for birds and other wildlife and to preserve movement corridors for wildlife;
   (l)   To promote the preservation, replacement and/or augmentation of trees that might otherwise be damaged or removed in the course of land development and building construction;
   (m)   And to promote the public health, safety, and welfare through the preservation and replacement of trees while allowing for the reasonable development of lands in such a manner that implements the stated goals, objectives, policies and standards of the city. (Ord. 19-91. Passed 9-9-19.)