Filing Procedures
1113.01   Applicability.
1113.02   Approval process applicability.   
1113.03   PUD optional pre-filing conference.
1113.04   Staff review.
1113.05   Hearing process.
1113.06   Council action on amendments and PUDs.
1113.07   Issuance of permit or certificate.
1113.08   Revocation of permit or certificate.
1113.09   Resubmission.
1113.10   Filing fees and technical services fees.
1113.11   Disclosure of interest.
1113.12   Public notice.
1113.13   Required contents of application filings.
1113.14   Table 2: required contents of site plan.
1113.15   Table 3: approval procedure steps.
1113.16   Traffic Impact Study.
1113.17   Traffic Impact Study waiver.
1113.18   Traffic Impact Study contents.
Building permits - see BLDG. Ch. 1321