(a)   Whenever, during any period of twenty-four hours or less, there is an accumulation of snow, of average depth of four inches or more, an emergency is declared to exist in that such accumulation of snow constitutes a serious public hazard impairing transportation, the movement of fuel and food supplies, medical care, fire, health and police protection and other vital facilities of the City. Such emergency shall continue until an announcement by the Mayor, Commissioner of Engineering or Traffic Coordinator that snow removal operations have been completed.
   (b)   Whenever such an emergency exists, the Mayor, Commissioner of Engineering or Traffic Coordinator shall announce the emergency by local press and/or radio, and such emergency shall become effective at a time designated by the Mayor, Commissioner of Engineering or Traffic Coordinator, but not sooner than four hours following the first announcement on snow emergency routes, and twelve hours on residential streets. Such announcement shall constitute notice to the general public of the existence of the emergency, provided, however, that the owners and operators shall have full responsibility to determine existing weather conditions and to comply with emergency parking regulations.
   (c)   During the existence of the emergency, no person shall park or cause to be parked or permit to remain parked or shall abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any street or portions thereof located within the City except such person, resident, owner or operator of a vehicle, having a residence abutting any street, parklane or alley having a width of twenty-five feet or less and providing no driveway facilities.
   (d)   Provided, however, that vehicles may be parked for a period of not longer than fifteen minutes for actual loading or unloading of passengers or property, and that snow removal equipment is not being operated on such street and that no other ordinance, prohibition or proclamation, restricting parking is violated thereby.
   (e)   Any motor vehicle parked in violation of this section is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and may be removed from the street and impounded at such place as may be directed by the Mayor, Commissioner of Engineering or Traffic Coordinator at the cost and expense of the owner thereof.
   (f)   No liability shall attach to the City or to the officer ordering the removal and storage of such vehicle in violation of this section or for damage caused thereto or resulting therefrom, and any person towing or storing the vehicle at the request of any member of the Police Department shall have a lien on the vehicle for the towing and storage charges incurred, such towing charges to be set by the Board of Control pursuant to competitive bidding.