Investment and Deposit Procedures
109.01   Purpose.
109.02   Objectives.
109.03   Depository.
109.04   Investments to match cash flow requirements.
109.05   Securities purchased.
109.06   Investments permitted.
109.07   Securities as collateral.
109.08   Collateral delivered to Director of Finance or financial institution.
109.09   Sale of securities.
109.10   Substitution or exchange of securities.
109.11   Notification of securities substitution or exchange.
109.12   Depository to provide collateral for City funds.
109.13   Procedure for investing City funds.
109.14   Loss of public moneys deposited.
      Power to establish procedure - see Ohio R.C. 135.01(L)
      Treasury investment account - see Ohio R.C. 731.56