Section 99.
Upon receipt of said budget, Council shall forthwith proceed to hold public hearings on the same, after notice of such hearings shall have been given as provided in this Charter.
   After such hearing a resolution shall be introduced in Council to proceed with the improvements determined upon, which resolution shall set forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the method of assessment, the manner of payment, the number of annual installments, and other necessary information.
   It shall declare the intention of Council to make such improvements, and shall approve proper plans, profiles and specifications, which shall have been prepared by the Commissioner of Engineering.
   The resolution shall be passed only by a two-thirds vote of all members of Council.
   All street improvements shall be financed as provided in this Charter.
   If, previous to the passage of any resolution providing for any improvement of any street or part thereof, a petition, signed by the owners of two-thirds of the foot frontage of property abutting upon such street or part thereof, shall be filed with the City Clerk, objecting to such proposed improvement, Council shall thereupon drop such proposed improvement from said resolution, except in case of extraordinary emergency or public necessity.