(a)   Residential Uses. Signage in residentially zoned districts shall be limited to the following:
      (1)   Permanent Signs. One permanent sign shall be permitted in the yard and it shall be limited to six (6) square feet in sign area and three (3) feet in height. A wall or surface sign, limited to two (2) square feet, may also be displayed.
      (2)   Temporary Signs. Residential properties shall be limited to two (2) temporary signs. These signs shall be limited to four (4) feet in height and nine (9) square feet in sign face area and shall not be located in the public right-of-way.
   (b)   Non-conforming Uses. The viability of land uses that are non-conforming in a residential zoning district can be jeopardized if they are not allowed signs appropriate to their actual use. Signage for legal non-conforming commercial, institutional, mixed and multi-unit residential uses in residential zones shall be regulated according to the general provisions herein.
(Ord. 09-165. Passed 6-24-09.)