Industrial Cost Recovery System
939.01   Establishment.
939.02   Users required to pay ICRS defined.
939.03   Determination of ICR rates.
939.04   Measurement of industrial flows and loadings.
939.05   Right-to-service industrial users.
939.06   New industry.
939.07   Discontinuance of use by industrial users.
939.08   Lump sum industrial cost recovery payments.
939.09   Appeal procedure.
939.10   Industrial Cost Recovery Fund established.
939.11   Disbursement of industrial cost recovery funds.
939.12   Charges may constitute a lien.
939.13   Rules and regulations.
939.14   Records required.
939.15   Individual project record.
939.16   Effective date of ICRS.
Sewage rates - see Ohio R.C. 729.49
Weekly deposit of sewage rentals collected - see Ohio R.C. 729.52