Any tree, shrub or part thereof growing upon private property but overhanging, or interfering with the public use of any public street or way in the City or which in the opinion of the Superintendent of the Park and Recreation Department or Traffic Coordinator or their appointed representative, endangers the life, health, safety, comfort or property of the public because of its location, condition of its limbs, roots or trunk, or because of its decayed condition, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The owner of any such tree or shrub, on the receipt of written notice from the Superintendent or Traffic Coordinator, or if such owner is a nonresident of the City on publication of notice in a daily newspaper of general circulation within the City, shall, within the time stated in such notice, remove the tree or shrub, or correct the condition stated in the notice. Should the owner after service or publication and the lapse of time therein stated fail, refuse or neglect to remove the tree or shrub or correct the condition thereof, the Superintendent of the Park and Recreation Department or Traffic Coordinator shall cause such work to be done as may be required for the preservation and protection of the life, health, comfort and property of the public and the cost of such work shall be assessed against the property on which the work is done. (Ord. 79160. Passed 4-23-69.)