General Provisions
150.01 Substantial property in interest
150.02 Administration
Building Code
150.20 Title
150.21 Purpose
150.22 Definitions
150.23 Scope
150.24 Authority
150.25 Building permit required
150.26 Application for building permit
150.27 Issuance of building permit
150.28 Certificate of occupancy
150.29 General authority to make inspections and investigations
150.30 Inspections by Fire Department
150.31 Withhold issuance of permits
150.32 Fees and required inspections
Dangerous or Unsafe Buildings and Structures
150.50 Adoption of the Unsafe Building Law
150.51 Appointment of department to administer ordinance
150.52 Construction
Vacant Real Property
150.60 Purpose
150.61 Definitions
150.62 Continuing maintenance; mandatory and involuntary registration
150.63 Property manager
150.64 Information required with registration
150.65 Standards of maintenance
150.66 Registration fee
150.67 Liability insurance
150.99 Penalty