(a)   Whether or not a sketch plan was submitted for review (see Section 1333.02) the applicant shall prepare a preliminary plan, together with improvement plans and other supplementary material as specified in these regulations. However, in the case of a land development or a subdivision of less than four lots, the Planning Commission upon written request of the developer, may waive the requirements that a preliminary plan be submitted and approved prior to consideration of a final plan, provided that the plan submitted meets all the requirements of a final plan and does not contain any public improvements. If the applicant elects to waive preliminary plan submittal he shall submit the final plan in accordance with final plan procedures referred to in Section 1333.06. (Ord. 12-1982 §3.20. Passed 11-3-82.)
   (b)   At least three prints of the preliminary plan together with three copies of other required material shall be submitted to the Director of City Planning at least thirty days prior to the Commission meeting at which the preliminary plan will be considered. The preliminary plan shall be forwarded upon receipt by the Bureau of Planning to the York County Planning Commission for review and comment.
   (c)   The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to the City in an amount determined by resolution by Council and a check or money order drawn to the York County Planning Commission in an amount determined by the Commission.
   (d)    The preliminary plan shall be reviewed by the proper City Officials and the City Engineer. The applicant shall attempt to incorporate the review comments of the City officials, City Engineer and County Planning Commission into the preliminary plan and at least ten days prior to the Commission meeting at which the preliminary plan shall be considered, the applicant shall submit at least ten copies of the preliminary plan together with ten copies of other required material to the Director of Planning.
(Ord. 19-1991 §2. Passed 7-2-91.)
   (e)   The Commission shall review the preliminary plan to determine its conformity to the design standards and requirements contained in these regulations and submit their recommendations to Council who shall be responsible for the ultimate approval or denial of the plan. (Ord. 12-1982 §3.20. Passed 11-3-82.)
   (f)    Council shall not take final action on a preliminary plan until a written review of the same is received from the York County Planning Commission, or until the expiration of thirty days from the date the application was forwarded to the County by the Bureau of Planning.
(Ord. 19-1991 §2. Passed 7-2-91.)
   (g)   Approval of the preliminary plan shall not constitute approval of the final plan. Rather it shall be deemed an expression of approval of the land development as to the character and intensity of development, the arrangement and approximate dimensions of streets, lots and other planned features, but shall not authorize the sale of lots. The developer may then proceed with the installation of improvements after obtaining the proper permits and with the preparation of the final plan. No City official or bureau shall issue any permits required for street openings, water, sewer, curbs or sidewalks until after approval of the preliminary plan.
(Ord. 12-1982 Sec. 3.20. Passed 11-3-82.)