(a)   Prior to the filing of a preliminary plan, the developer may submit to the Director of City Planning a sketch plan of the proposed land development at least two weeks prior to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission. This sketch shall be used as a basis for informal discussion with the Commission.
   (b)   The sketch plan shall show the general layout including the proposed streets, lots, sanitary and public facilities and the relationship to adjacent existing or planned development. Within thirty days of submittal the Commission shall inform the applicant if the plan as submitted meets the objectives of these regulations.
   (c)   Prospective developers may consult the County Soil and Water Conservation District representative concerning the erosion and sediment control when the proposed development involves earthmoving, construction of new impervious areas, construction of new buildings or additions to existing buildings, nursery operations, diversion or piping of any natural or man-made stream channel or installation of storm water systems. If consultation does not occur prior to the pre-application conference, the City Engineering Department shall forward the plan to the County Soil and Water Conservation District for review in accordance with the Storm Water and Erosion Control Ordinance (Article 1371 et seq.).
(Ord. 12-1982 Sec. 3.10 Passed 11-3-82.)