(a)   Submission Items. Except as stated below, four prints of the final plan together with four copies of the other required materials shall be submitted to the Bureau of Planning at least forty- five days before the Commission meeting at which the final plan shall be considered.
      (1)   Fee. The final plan submission shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to the City in an amount determined by Council resolution.
      (2)   Southeast Area Overlay. For a final plan within the Southeast Area Overlay zoning district, ten prints of the final plan shall be submitted to the Bureau of Planning at least forty-five days before the Planning Commission meeting at which the final plan shall be considered.
      (3)   Building elevations. At least ten prints of the proposed building elevations within the Southeast Overlay zoning district shall be submitted along with the final plan.
         A.   Scaled drawings. The plans must be drawn to scale. All elevations visible from a public street, except a secondary access street, must be completed.
         B.   Building materials. The plan must identify and list the type of building materials that will be used.
         C.   Signage. All proposed signage must be noted on the site plan.
   (b)   Preliminary Plan. The final plan shall conform to the preliminary plan as approved.
      (1)   Conformity. If desired by the developer, the plan may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plan which the applicant proposes to develop and record at the time; provided, however, that the portion conforms to all requirements of these regulations.
      (2)   Expiration. The final plan shall be submitted within one year after approval of the preliminary plan, otherwise, the preliminary plan shall be resubmitted to the Commission for approval unless an extension of time is granted by the Commission in writing.
   (c)   York County Planning Commission. The applicant must submit a plan for review by the York County Planning Commission at least thirty days before the Planning Commission meeting at which the final plan shall be considered.
      (1)   Comments. The City Planning Commission shall not make recommendation on a final plan for a period of thirty days after the application has been forwarded to the County Planning Commission unless the required review has been received from the York County Planning Commission.
   (d)   City Review. The final plan shall be reviewed by the proper City officials and the City Engineer. (Ord. 21-98. Passed 12-1-98.)
      (1)   Comments. The applicant is encouraged to incorporate review comments of the City officials, City Engineer and York County Planning Commission into the final plan at least fifteen days prior to the Commission meeting at which the final plan shall be considered.
         (Ord. 9-2000. Passed 6-6-00.)
      (2)   Number of copies. The applicant shall submit at least ten copies to the Bureau of Planning.
   (e)   Southeast Area Citizens Advisory Committee. For land development plans within the Southeast District Area Overlay zoning district, the City Planning Commission shall not make a recommendation on the final plan until a written recommendation is received from the Southeast Area Citizen Advisory Committee or until the expiration of twenty days from the date the application was forwarded to the Bureau of Planning.
   (f)   Plan Scale and Sheet Size. Final plans submitted to the Commission shall consist of paper prints at the scale of one inch to twenty, thirty, forty, fifty feet or 100 feet. The sheet size shall be twenty-two by thirty-six inches. The plan may be made in multiples of this size and cut along match lines.
      (1)   Reproduction print. After final recommendations by the Commission, one transparent reproduction of the final plan on stable plastic film (Mylar or approved equal) shall be submitted for final signatures and subsequent recording.
      (2)   Oversize prints. Oversize prints shall be reduced on stable film to twenty- two by thirty-six inches or made into sections of twenty-two and thirty-six inches and cut along match lines.
         (Ord. 21-98. Passed 12-1-98.)