Sec. 6-17.301.   Mandatory Service; Exemptions.
   (a)   Unless exempted pursuant to this Section, the Owners or Occupants of all Single-Family, Multi-Family and Commercial Premises shall subscribe to weekly Discarded Materials Collection services provided by an authorized County Franchisee. In addition, unless exempted pursuant to this Section, all Owners and Occupants of Single-Family Premises in a Densely Populated Area shall subscribe to bi-weekly Recyclables Collection and Organics Collection services provided by an authorized County Franchisee.
   (b)   All Owners and Occupants of Single-Family Premises, Multi-Family Premises and Commercial Premises are considered subscribers, without the need for a signed contract or similar arrangement with an authorized County Franchisee.
   (c)   The Owner, or by special arrangement approved by the Department, the Occupant, of any Single-Family, Multi-Family, or Commercial Premises may apply to the Department to be exempt from the mandatory service requirement set forth in subsection (a) above. Such application shall be made on a form supplied by the Department, and shall be granted provided the Owner or Occupant can demonstrate one or more of the following:
   (1)   The Owner or Occupant will personally haul away all Discarded Materials and Recyclable Materials at least as frequently as once every other week, but no less than 26 times per calendar year to an approved facility. The method of collecting and hauling away such materials must be consistent with the intent of this Chapter and any conditions imposed by the Department, including the requirement that such activities occur in a manner that will not create unsanitary conditions, potential public health threat, environmental contamination or nuisance;
   (2)   The Premises are presently undeveloped, such that no Discarded Materials are generated thereon;
   (3)   The Premises are vacant for a period in excess of two months (e.g., renovation, property for sale, extended vacation) such that no Discarded Materials will be generated thereon;
   (4)   The Premises is inaccessible due to weight limitations of Contractor provided trucks and both Contractor and County have verified such limitations;
   (5)   The Single-Family Premises owner has demonstrated that they actively Compost both Yard Trimmings and Food Waste onsite or have other means for diverting such waste and therefore have been granted an exemption from Residential Organics services;
   (6)   Accessory dwelling unit in immediate proximity of Single-Family Premises that is serviced by Contractor and has sufficient container size to accommodate waste of two households;
   (7)   Vacation hold may only apply once per calendar year if requested by Customer, however, in no event shall collection service or billing be placed on hold for more than 3 weeks;
   (8)   Two neighboring parcels are owned by members of the same family and one Single- Family Premises owner has sufficient container size to accommodate waste of two households;
   (9)   The Single-Family Premises owner has demonstrated that they have a commercial solid waste and recycling dumpster in their name within Yolo County that they agree to haul their residential waste to for proper disposal and recycling.
   (d)   The mandatory service requirement set forth in subsection (a), above, also shall not apply to any Premises owned by a school district, city or county, or by the State of California or the federal government.
   (e)   The Department may for good cause permit additional exemptions provided that such exemptions will not create an unsanitary condition, potential public health threat, environmental contamination or nuisance. Any Owner or Occupant that is granted an exemption under subsections(c) or (e) shall, at such intervals as are reasonably established by the Department, provide proof to the Department of compliance with the requirements set forth herein and any additional requirements or conditions imposed by the Department.
   (f)   An exemption may be revoked by the Director of the Community Services Department or designee upon a finding that there is a violation of any of the requirements of this Section or the exemption, or that an unsanitary condition, potential public health threat, environmental contamination or nuisance condition is being created.
   (g)   Any exemption issued shall be valid for a period of one year and is non-transferable. The exemption may be renewed at the end of one year upon reapplication and demonstration that the terms and condition of the exemption(s) still exists.
(§ 2, Ord. 1378, eff. Sept. 4, 2008, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1529, eff. November 19, 2020)