Sec. 6-12.11.   Sampling, testing and monitoring.
   Whenever any provision of this chapter requires soil sampling, testing, analysis and/or monitoring, it shall be performed in a manner as set forth below and consistent with generally accepted principles and standards.
   (a)   Under the supervision of certified professional personnel, all samples for the purpose of testing, analysis or monitoring shall be collected and handled in accordance with established methods and standards (i.e., agronomist, geologist, chemist, environmental health specialist, certified laboratory personnel, etc.).
   (b)   Biosolids testing shall be performed consistent with the following:
   (1)   Representative samples shall be collected on a daily basis from each wastewater treatment plant producing biosolids proposed for or actually applied to land in Yolo County and shall be composited to form a monthly composite sample which shall be analyzed for land application parameters as follows:
   Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen, Ammonium-Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Organic-Nitrogen, Total Potassium, Total Phosphorus, Total Copper, Total Lead, Total Cadmium, Total Zinc, Total Nickel, pH (1:1), Total Solids, Total Boron, Total Arsenic, Total Chromium, Total Molybdenum, Total Sodium, Total Selenium and Total Mercury.
   (2)   Biannual biosolids monitoring. Representative samples from each wastewater treatment plant which generates biosolids to be applied to land in Yolo County, shall be composited and analyzed a minimum of twice per year, unless otherwise indicated, for the following, unless the biosolids has been stockpiled longer than five (5) years, in which case additional testing may be required. The Department may require additional testing for specific constituents (e.g., radioactivity) if it determines that wastewater treatment plants may be processing waste containing those contaminants.
Units 1
Chlorinated Pesticides and PCBs*
(EPA Method #8080)
Base/Neutral Extractable Organic Priority Pollutants*
(EPA Method #8270)
Fecal Coliform
MPN/gram dry weight
* The Department may require testing at a frequency no greater than required by the generator’s current permits issued through the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The applicator may be required to perform these tests in instances where the generator is exempted from testing by the RWQCB. These may be required by the Department at a frequency rate of no more than once per year, unless significant concentrations are detected or if other factors indicate in the judgement of the County that additional testing is required or reasonably beneficial to serving the purposes of this chapter.
To be reported as dry weight corrected for percent moisture.
   (3)   Class A/Class B pathogen requirements. Applicator shall provide documentation to verify Class A/Class B certification. Records and biosolids analyses results shall be made available to the Department upon request for the purpose of verifying Class A/Class B pathogen compliance.
   (c)   Soil testing. Soils on application sites will be sampled and analyzed by the applicator for metals and cation exchange capacity prior to initial application of biosolids.
   (1)   Sampling procedures. The surface soil will be sampled at a depth of zero (0”) to eight (8”) inches. The sample will consist of a minimum of twenty (20) individual cores taken from a location in the field. Surface litter will be removed before collecting a core, to ensure only mineral soil is sampled. Obvious anomalies such as wet spots, turn rows and minor soil textural inclusions will not be sampled. The number of soil samples will be determined by the Department prior to sampling and will depend on the field size, and soil types. Samples will be taken on a grid at random locations as approved by the County.
   (2)    Analysis.
   Soils will be analyzed for the following parameters: Olson’s extractant for Phosphorus, Ammonium Acetate for Potassium, saturated paste pH, saturated paste extract, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sodium, Total Zinc, Total Copper, Total Cadmium, Total Chromium, Total Lead, Total Mercury, Total Nickel, Total Nitrogen, Total Sulfur, Total Selenium and Total Boron.
   (d)   Forage vegetation. Additional sampling may be required by the Department for nutrients and/or elements contained in forage vegetation being fed to animals.
   (e)   Laboratory testing. All biosolids, water, soil and vegetation analyses must be conducted by a California State Department of Health Services accredited laboratory, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1010, with all costs associated with sampling paid by the applicant. Laboratory test methods shall be those approved by EPA and/or the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
   (f)   Ground water testing. The Department shall have the authority to require an applicator to conduct ground water testing where the Department deems such information to be desirable in the administration and implementation of this chapter. (§ 1, Ord. 1204, eff. January 16, 1997)

