Sec. 6-11.07.   Permits: Applications: Contents.
   The application for a permit to operate shall be filed on a form and contain such information as is prescribed by the Permitting Authority, including the following:
   (a)   A description of the construction of the underground storage tank or tanks;
   (b)   A list of all the hazardous substances which are or will be stored in the underground storage tank or tanks, specifying the hazardous substances for each underground storage tank;
   (c)   A description of the monitoring program for the underground storage tank or tanks;
   (d)   The name and address of the person, firm, or corporation which owns the underground storage tank or tanks and, if different, the name and address of the person who operates the underground storage tank or tanks;
   (e)   The address of the facility at which the underground storage tank or tanks are located;
   (f)   The name of the person making the application;
   (g)   The name and twenty-four (24) hour telephone number of the contact person in the event of an emergency involving the facility;
   (h)   If the owner or operator of the underground storage tank is a public agency, the application shall include the name of the supervisor of the division, section, or office which operates the tank; and
   (i)   All the information required by Section 2711 of Title 23 of the California Administrative Code as it may be amended from time to time. (§ 1, Ord. 970, eff. January 12, 1984, as amended by § 7, Ord. 1036, eff. July 10, 1986)