Sec. 5-16.11.   Licenses: Denial, suspension, and/or revocation.
   (a)   Grounds. The Sheriff-Coroner may deny an application for a bingo license or suspend or revoke a bingo license if he finds the applicant or licensee, or any agent or representative thereof, has:
   (1)   Knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of a material fact in the application or in any record or report required to be filed pursuant to this chapter; or
   (2)   Violated any of the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   Procedure. If, after an investigation, the Sheriff-Coroner determines that a bingo license should be suspended or revoked or an application for such license denied, he shall prepare a notice of suspension, revocation, or denial of the application, setting forth the reasons for such suspension, revocation, or denial of the application. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the applicant’s last address provided in the application or be personally delivered. Any person who has had an application for a bingo license denied by the Sheriff-Coroner, or who has had a bingo license suspended or revoked by the Sheriff-Coroner, may appeal the decision of the Sheriff-Coroner in the manner provided in this chapter. (§ 1, Ord. 769, eff. January 27, 1977)