The following County cannabis use categories and related State cannabis use types are recognized by this article. Descriptions are as defined by State law, as amended. Not all use types are permitted. See Section 8-2.1407, Table of Cannabis Development Regulations, of this article for prohibited uses, permitted uses, and conditions applicable to each use.
A. Personal.
1. Outdoor
2. Indoor
B. Cultivation, Nurseries, and Processing (Commercial).
1. Outdoor Cultivation (fields and hoop houses)
2. Indoor Cultivation (enclosed buildings and/including greenhouses)
3. Mixed Light Cultivation (enclosed buildings and/including greenhouses)
4. Nurseries (indoor, outdoor, and mixed light)
5. Processing Only (including storage)
C. Manufacturing, testing, and distribution.
1. Manufacturing – Non-volatile
2. Manufacturing – Volatile
3. Manufacturing – Infusion
4. Manufacturing – Packaging and Labeling
5. Testing/Laboratory
6. Distribution
7. Distribution – Transport Only
D. Retail.
1. Retail – Storefront
2. Retail – Non-Storefront
3. Special Cannabis Event – Tasting, promotional activities, and special events related to cannabis are prohibited in Yolo County.
E. Microbusiness.
(Ord. 1541, eff. October 14, 2021)