Sec. 6-8.1102.   Level 1 drought response – Permanent water use restrictions.
   (a)   Landscape water use restrictions.
   (1)   No potable water shall be applied to outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes more than incidental runoff, such as minimal overspray from sprinklers that escapes the area of intended use, so that water flows onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private or public walkways, roadways, parking lots, or structures.
   (2)   No landscape watering between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. except with a hand-held container or hose with a shut-off nozzle, or for very short periods when adjusting a sprinkler system. This restriction does not apply to landscape irrigation using a low volume irrigation system (such as drip irrigation and micro-irrigation) designed to apply small volumes of water slowly at or near the root zone of plants. This includes, but is not limited to, properly functioning drip irrigation systems and soaker hoses.
   (3)   No irrigation of turf and/or ornamental landscapes during and within forty-eight hours after measurable rainfall of at least one-fourth of one inch of rain in a given area of the CSA.
   (4)   No irrigation with potable water of landscapes outside of homes and buildings constructed after June 2015 in any manner inconsistent with regulations or other requirements established by the California Building Standards Commission, the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (23 California Code of Regulations §§ 490 et seq.), or Yolo County Code, Title 8, Chapter 3 (Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance), whichever is more restrictive.
   (5)   No irrigation of turf on public street medians or publicly owned and maintained landscaped areas between the street and sidewalk, except where:
   (A)   The turf serves a community or neighborhood function, including, but not limited to, recreational uses and civic or community events; or
   (B)   The turf is irrigated incidentally by an irrigation system, the primary purpose of which is the irrigation of trees; or
   (C)   The turf is irrigated with recycled or other nonpotable water.
   (b)   Commercial water use restrictions.
   (1)   Eating or drinking establishments, including, but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, bars, clubhouses or other public places where food or drink are served and/or purchased shall only serve drinking water upon patron request.
   (2)   Restaurants are required to use a pre-rinse spray valve when washing dishes.
   (c)   Other water use restrictions.
   (1)   A hose that dispenses potable water to wash a motor vehicle shall be fitted with a shut-off nozzle or device attached to it that causes it to cease dispensing water immediately when not in use.
   (2)   Potable water shall not be applied directly to driveways and sidewalks unless required for health and safety purposes.
   (3)   Potable water shall not be used in an ornamental fountain or other decorative water feature, except where the water is part of a recirculating system.
   (4)   All property owners must fix leaks, breaks or malfunctions in water fixtures or water-using or distributing devices to which city water is connected when they find them, or within seventy- two (72) hours of receiving a notice from the County.
   (d)   HOAs. Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are strongly encouraged to adopt and enforce water use restrictions in their respective rules and regulations.
(Ord. 1540, eff. September 14, 2021)