The final distance between lowered surfaces reclaimed to agriculture and the average high groundwater shall not be less than five (5') feet. The average high groundwater level shall be established for each proposed mining area. The degree of groundwater level fluctuation varies with location throughout the basin and within relatively small areas (proposed mining sites). The determination of the average high groundwater level shall be conducted by a Registered Civil Engineer or Certified Hydrogeologist and shall be based on wet season water level elevation data collected at the proposed site or adjacent areas with similar hydrogeological conditions. Water level records prior to 1977 shall not be used since they would reflect conditions prior to the installation of the Indian Valley Dam. The dam caused a significant change in hydrology of the basin and data collected before its installation shall not be used in estimating current average high groundwater levels. The wells shall be adequately distributed throughout the proposed mining site to reflect spatial variation in groundwater levels and fluctuations. (§ 1, Ord. 1191, eff. September 5, 1996; as amended by Ord. 1518, eff. February 13, 2020)