The grading of final slopes, the replacement of soil, and associated erosion control measures shall take place prior to November 1 in areas where mining has been completed. To minimize erosion, the finish grading of mining pit slopes above the average seasonal high groundwater level, with the exception of the location of designated haul roads, shall be performed as soon as practical after the mining of overburden and unsaturated aggregate resources has been completed. A drought-tolerant, weed-free mix of native grass species shall be established on slopes prior to November 1 or alternate erosion control (mulch or netting) shall be placed on exposed soil on the slopes prior to this date. Phasing of mining to minimize the length of exposed mining slopes during the rainy season is encouraged. (§ 1, Ord. 1191, eff. September 5, 1996; as amended by Ord. 1518, eff. February 13, 2020)