Sec. 4-6.1603.    Unprofessional conduct.
   A person exhibits unprofessional conduct if he or she fails to maintain that standard of performance, to exercise that degree of skill, care, diligence and expertise or to manifest that professional demeanor and attitude which is ordinarily exercised and possessed by other persons in similar positions in California. Unprofessional conduct includes, without limitation:
   (a)   The use of obscene, abusive, slanderous or threatening language;
   (b)   The use of unreasonable force which unnecessarily increases or inflicts pain upon a patient;
   (c)   Conviction of an offense, a diversion status, a nolo contendere or guilty plea if the acts involved have a direct bearing on entrusting the person to serve the public;
   (d)   Disclosing the contents of examinations for certification or recertification;
   (e)   Violation of the confidentiality of health records except as allowed or required by law or regulation;
   (f)   Possessing, diverting, or using medical supplies, equipment or drugs for personal or unauthorized use;
   (g)   Possession of any firearm or other weapon while on duty or engaged in the performance of prehospital care duties. (§ 1, Ord. 1515, eff. December 19, 2019)