Sec. 6-19.701.   Use of alternative systems.
   (a)   Alternative system may be permitted by DEH for the repair or upgrading of any existing system and for new construction on any legally created lot where it is determined that wastewater cannot be disposed of in a sanitary manner by a standard system.
   (b)   Types of alternative systems permitted shall be limited to those identified in Manual, except as provided in paragraph (d).
   (c)   All supplemental systems shall be installed by a contractor. Where the installation includes a proprietary treatment system certified and listed by National Sanitation Foundation, the contractor shall also possess any required manufacturer certifications, as applicable.
   (d)   Systems that are not included as a system type in the Manual, but that are proposed or installed as part of an active accredited university research project or field trial may be allowed with approval from DEH provided the system monitoring is performed by the university and the system(s) meet the minimum requirements of the OWTS Policy. Such system installation may require special contracts or memoranda of understanding to clarify requirements, to communicate what happens with the system at the end of the study or trial period, and requirements if the system fails.
(Ord. 1469, eff. July 14, 2016)