Where systems may have cumulative impacts on groundwater and/or watershed conditions due to such factors as the constituent levels (e.g., nitrogen content) in the wastewater, the volume of wastewater flow, the density of the system discharges in a given area, and/or the sensitivity and beneficial uses of water resources in the discharge area, the Director of Environmental Health may require additional technical studies (termed "Cumulative Impact Assessment in the Manual") or other information demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Health, that use of the proposed system(s) will not create adverse cumulative effects on water quality, public health or safety. A cumulative impact assessment shall be required for any proposed subdivision with an average lot size less than one (1) acre and any proposed large system as defined. It is also required for proposed multi-unit residential projects with three (3) or more units on the same parcel and proposed nonresidential systems where the wastewater design flow is one thousand five hundred (1,500) gallons per day or more. In all cases, such cumulative impact studies will be conducted in accordance with the Manual.
(Ord. 1469, eff. July 14, 2016)