(a) The system must be installed in accordance with the approved system installation permit, approved system design and any permit conditions. Any changes in the installation plans must be reviewed and approved by DEH prior to installation. An as-built drawing shall be submitted prior to final approval to record the final installation location of the system. The as-built drawing shall meet the requirements described in the Manual.
(b) Every system approved after the effective date of this chapter shall be subject to the operation, maintenance, and monitoring program as specified in the Manual.
(c) Except where a two-hundred (200) percent replacement area is required, a replacement area of one-hundred (100) percent of the system shall be reserved for the system repair and/or replacement as described in the Manual. The replacement area shall be indicated on the site map and as-built drawing and shall remain undeveloped, protected from compaction, protected from vehicular traffic, and shall otherwise remain free of conditions that would make it unsuitable as a future replacement area.
(d) The system and system components must be located to be easily accessible for maintenance and repairs.
(e) New and replacement system septic tanks shall be limited to those approved by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) or stamped and certified by a California Registered Civil Engineer as meeting the industry standards, and their installation shall be according to the manufacturer's instructions.
(f) For purposes of system sizing, any room that could be used as a bedroom or potential sleeping room may be assumed to be a bedroom regardless of if it contains a closet or is labeled otherwise.
(g) Except for community systems, the system shall be located on the same lot as the building(s) being served is located. The Director of Environmental Health has the authority to make an exception to this requirement in special situations where due to necessary system repair or replacement an existing dwelling lacks available space on the lot to accommodate a system. In this case a legal easement may be obtained on an adjoining property for purposes of accommodating the replacement system.
(h) The system contractor and/or qualified professional shall provide the system owner with informational materials to inform the system owner about how to locate, operate and maintain the system. The informational material shall also include procedures for the owner in the event of a needed repair, replacement of a component of the system, or system failure. If the system is on a lot with a water well, the informational material shall also include information on testing the well water for indications of system failure.
(1) Any informational material specific to a system shall be provided to the owner by the qualified professional and/or the contractor, with a copy provided to DEH.
(2) Final approval of the system installation shall be contingent upon confirmation by DEH that required informational materials have been provided.
(i) All cluster systems are subject to the operating permit requirements as provided in the Manual. A cluster system may require a dual dispersal field according to the system designer's specifications. Cluster systems shall be required to reserve two (2) replacement areas. If the cluster system is a large system as defined in this chapter, additional requirements for siting, design, operation and maintenance of large systems as specified in the Manual shall also apply.
(j) All community systems shall demonstrate financial viability and assurance to operate, maintain and replace the system at any and all times. Community systems may be required to install dual dispersal fields according to the system designer's specifications. Community systems shall be required to reserve a replacement area that equals at least two-hundred (200) percent of the size of the installed system. The system shall be owned and managed by a homeowner's association or similar. The owner may be required to bond or deposit restricted funds for purposes of demonstrating financial viability for system maintenance, repair or replacement. Prior to final approval, documentation to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Health shall be provided that demonstrate legally recorded easements, agreements, established and funded common interest development (e.g. homeowners association), service provider agreements, operating permit and proof of financial assurances. All community systems shall obtain an operating permit and be required to perform regular monitoring, maintenance, and reporting of system performance. If the community system is a large system as defined in this chapter, additional requirements for siting, design, operation and maintenance of large systems as specified in the Manual shall also apply.
(k) Owners of systems shall maintain their system in good working condition including conducting regular inspections, and pumping or cleaning of solids as necessary to maintain proper function and assure adequate wastewater treatment.
(Ord. 1469, eff. July 14, 2016)