Sec. 3-2.06.1.   Requirement of tax roll parcel numbers.
   (a)   Every document subject to tax under the provisions of this chapter and every similar document, whether or not exempt from the tax, which is submitted for recordation shall show at the end of each legal description contained in the document the tax roll parcel number of the property affected by the document.
   (b)   The validity of such a document shall not be affected by the fact that such parcel number is erroneous or omitted, and there shall be no liability attaching to any person for an error in such number or for the omission of such number.
   (c)   The County Clerk-Recorder shall not record any deed, instrument, or writing subject to the provisions of this section unless the tax roll parcel number has been noted upon it. (§ 1, Ord. 855, eff. August 30, 1979)