Sec. 8-13.106.   Names of roads.
   (a)   The following process applies to naming of County roads:
   (1)   Any County road may be officially named or the official name may be changed by the Board of Supervisors upon petition of sixty (60) percent of the property owners whose property is serviced by the County road proposed to be affected, upon recommendation by the Planning Director, or upon resolution of intention by the Board of Supervisors.
   (2)   The Board of Supervisors may refer the proposed County road name to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. The petition, recommendation, or resolution shall be set for hearing and notice posted at a conspicuous place along the County road to be affected. Such posting is to be made at least ten (10) days before the hearing. At the hearing or continued hearing, the Board shall hear and consider all name proposals for such County road, and upon the adoption or change thereof shall make an order in its minutes officially designating the name for said County road. Thereafter, such County road shall be known by the name so designated.
   (3)   Upon motion of the Board and without any resolution, hearing, or notice, any County road which has not been officially named by the Board of Supervisors shall be named by an order duly made and entered on the minutes of the Board. Thereafter the road shall be known by the name thus designated.
   (b)   The following process applies to naming of private roads:
   (1)   Private road names shall be assigned to every access road that serves four (4) or more dwellings and/or business establishments or combination thereof, except in shopping centers, apartment-type developments, and other multiuse developments as may be determined by the Planning Director.
   (2)   When naming or renaming private roads, the Planning Director shall contact one property owner on the road, access road, or easement to circulate a petition for selecting a name. If within thirty (30) days a new name has not been submitted to the Planning Director, the County shall have the right to select a name or new name for the road, access road, or easement.
   (3)   Any private road within the unincorporated area of the County may be officially named or the existing name be changed by the Board of Supervisors upon petition of sixty (60) percent of the property owners whose property is serviced by the private road proposed to be affected, upon recommendation by the Planning Director or upon a resolution of intention by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors may refer the proposed private road name to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. The petition shall be set for hearing and notice posted at a conspicuous place along the private road proposed to be affected. Such posting is to be made at least ten (10) days before the hearing. At the hearing or continued hearing, the Board shall hear and consider all name proposals for such private roads, and upon the adoption or change thereof shall make an order in its minutes officially designating the name for the private road. Thereafter such private road shall be known by the name so designated.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)