Sec. 8-13.105.   Display of numbers.
   (a)   Upon receipt of the address number from the Planning Director, the owner of the property or building shall cause the number to be displayed upon the building or land in such a manner as to be visible from the road upon which the land or building fronts, and shall remove or obscure from public view any old or obsolete number not in accordance with the system.
   (b)   In areas where buildings and/or property front roads where mail delivery is provided, the number and street name shall be displayed upon mailboxes or receptacles designed for receipt of mail.
   (c)   Where residences and/or properties front upon roads not receiving mail delivery, the number and road name upon which the building and/or property fronts shall be displayed upon mailboxes or receptacles at the intersection of the frontage road and the road where mail delivery is provided.
   (d)   Where residences and/or properties are not clearly visible from the road, access identification other than mailboxes shall be on four (4) inch by four (4) inch wood posts, metal stakes, or equivalent markers elevated at least three (3) feet for clear visibility and rapid directional identification.
   (e)   Residence and/or building address numbers shall be conspicuous to ensure positive identification and placed at front doors, on lamp posts, near garage doors, at driveway entrances, or other areas of similar proximity and visibility.
   (f)   All address numbers shall be a minimum height of four (4) inches for residential structures and six (6) inches for commercial structures, of reflective and/or a color contrasting with the surface where placed.
   (g)   Before final inspection can be completed on new construction, including additions and alterations, the building address and any unit addresses assigned by the Planning Director shall be posted in accordance to minimum standards.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)