Sec. 8-12.106.   Development standards.
   (a)    The site shall be connected to public services, including a public water and wastewater system.
   (b)   Target units shall be constructed concurrently with nonrestricted units unless both the County and the applicant/developer agree, in writing, to an alternative schedule for development.
   (c)   If the applicant/developer is entitled to a density bonus pursuant to this chapter and the County grants at least one (1) additional incentive, the applicant/developer shall agree to and ensure the continued affordability of all low income and very low income target units for a minimum of thirty (30) years or such longer period of time as required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program. The target units for low income households shall be affordable at a rent that does not exceed thirty (30) percent of eighty (80) percent of area median income. The target units for very low income households shall be affordable at a rent that does not exceed thirty (30) percent of fifty (50) percent of area median income.
   (d)   In determining the maximum affordable rent or affordable sales price of target units, the following household and unit size assumptions shall be used, unless the housing development is subject to different assumptions imposed by other governmental regulations:
   (1)   Studio: 1 person;
   (2)   1 bedroom: 2 person;
   (3)   2 bedroom: 3 person;
   (4)   3 bedroom: 4 person;
   (5)   4 bedroom: 5 person.
   (e)   Target units shall be dispersed within the housing development wherever possible. Where feasible, the number of bedrooms of the target units shall be equivalent to the bedroom mix of the nontarget units of the housing development, except that the developer may include a higher proportion of target units with more bedrooms. The design and appearance of the target units shall be compatible with the design of the total housing development. Housing developments shall comply with all applicable development and design standards, except those which may be modified as provided by this section.
   (f)   Compliance with all of the provisions of this section shall be made a condition of the discretionary planning permits (e.g., tentative subdivision maps, tentative parcel maps, site plans, planned development permits, conditional use permits, etc.) for all housing developments.
   (g)   Applicant/developer shall execute and record any agreements or documents reasonably deemed necessary by the County to ensure compliance with and implementation of this section.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)