(a) A building, structure, object, particular place, vegetation or geology, may be designated for preservation as a historic landmark if it meets one or more of the following criteria:
(1) It exemplifies or reflects valued elements of the County’s cultural, agricultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, military, religious, ethnic, natural vegetation, architectural, maritime, engineering, archaeological or geological history; or
(2) It is identified with persons or events important in local, State or national history; or
(3) It reflects significant geographical patterns, including those associated with different eras of settlement and growth and particular transportation modes; or
(4) It embodies distinguishing characteristics or an architectural style, type, period, or method of construction or is a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or
(5) It is representative of the notable work of a builder, designer or architect; or
(6) It represents an important natural feature or design element that provides a visual point of reference to members of the community.
(b) An area may be designated as a historic district when it includes at least two (2) designated historic landmarks in such proximity that they create a setting historically or culturally significant to the local community, the state, or the nation, sufficiently distinguishable from other areas of the County to warrant preservation by such means. Such district may include structures and sites that individually do not meet criteria for landmark status but which geographically and visually are located so as to be part of the setting in which the other structures are viewed.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)