(a) Agricultural zones. Required parking spaces, loading areas, and roads required in agricultural zones shall be all-weather and usable for the purpose for which they are provided, but are not required to be paved, unless as required as part of a discretionary approval, or when stricter fire access requirements prevail. In conformance with Section 8-2.1307(a), accessible parking shall be required for applicable uses. The required parking spaces shall be clearly marked and maintained, as described in Section 8-2.1304(f), when the land use is in operation. Connections of the access driveway(s) to the public road, and parking lot surface design shall be per County of Yolo Improvement Standards on file in the Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department.
(b) In all other zones. Except as otherwise provided in this section, all off-street parking and loading areas shall be paved, graded, and drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. The use of swales and pervious surfaces to capture storm water runoff for maximum groundwater recharge are encouraged. Surfacing materials required to satisfy the paving regulations must be durable and dustless and must be maintained to provide for orderly and safe loading, unloading, parking, and storage of vehicles and equipment. Porous or permeable materials, such as pervious asphalt or pavers and plantable pavers, are encouraged. An adjustment to parking requirements may be granted for using permeable or pervious paving, as set forth in Section 8-2.1310(f). Connections of the access driveway(s) to the public road, and parking lot surface design shall be per County of Yolo Improvement Standards on file in the Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)