The following design standards apply to permitted signs located in all zone districts:
(a) Proposed signs shall not unreasonably block the sight lines of existing signs on adjacent properties from nearby public right-of ways and paths of travel. The placement and size of a sign shall not impair pedestrian or vehicular safety.
(b) The design, height, location, and size of the sign should be visually complementary and compatible with the scale and architectural style of the primary structures on the site, the natural features of the site, and structures and prominent natural features on adjacent properties on the same street.
(c) Illuminated Signs: Lighting for illuminated signs shall be so arranged that it will not create a hazardous glare for pedestrians or vehicles on either a public street or on any private premises.
(d) Monument Signs: Monument signs shall be placed so as not to obstruct visibility necessary for safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation, but may be placed in required street yard and/or setback areas.
(e) Wall signs: All wall signs, including but not limited to projecting and suspended signs, shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) The placement and height of the sign on the site shall be appropriate to the size of buildings and other features on the site, whether the sign is freestanding or projecting;
(2) A proposed suspended, projecting, or wall sign shall be consistent with the architectural design of the structure. Signs that cover windows, or that spill over and/or cover architectural features are not allowed;
(3) The minimum clearance between the lowest point of a sign and the grade immediately below shall be eight (8) feet;
(4) The minimum horizontal setback between a sign and the curb line shall be two (2) feet. The maximum projection over a public sidewalk shall be two-thirds the width of the sidewalk or six (6) feet, whichever is less;
(5) The top of a projecting sign shall not exceed the height of the face of the building by which it is supported.
(f) In addition to the design standards described above, the following additional design standards shall be applied in the Downtown Mixed Use (DMX) zone. If there is a conflict between the general or design standards for all signs and these sign regulations specifically adopted for the DMX zone, the DMX zone regulations shall apply:
(1) Signs shall be provided for commercial uses and buildings along Yolo Avenue and Woodland Avenue that are appropriate in scale and location, and shall be architecturally integrated with the surroundings.
(2) Signs shall be clearly integrated and consistent in design and materials with the architecture of the building. Signage in the business district should support the district’s character and not detract from the area.
(3) Monument signs are preferred. Pole signs are prohibited.
(4) Ground signage shall be limited in height of five (5) feet.
(5) Attached signs shall be flat against the facade, or mounted projection from the facade.
(6) Window signage shall be limited to twenty (20) percent of the total window frontage per storefront.
(7) The maximum area of any single sign mounted perpendicular to a given facade shall not exceed ten (10) square feet.
(8) Signs shall maintain a minimum clear height above sidewalks of eight (8) feet.
(9) Signs shall not extend beyond the curb line.
(10) Signs located on the interior of a structure, but visible from the exterior of the building, are permitted and are not charged against the maximum allowable signage area if such signs are not physically attached or painted to the window and do not obscure more than ten percent (10%) of ground floor street side building transparency. The ten percent (10%) is not to exceed total glass area calculated for both unattached and temporary window signs.
(11) Temporary signs can take the form of banners, window graphics, or as placards integrated with a window display. Temporary signs are permitted on the interior of the business establishment only and shall be no more than five (5) square feet of text and shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in size and no more than ten percent (10%) of ground floor street side building transparency. Temporary signs shall not be displayed more than thirty (30) days in a calendar year.
(12) One menu or sandwich board shall be allowed per street address. Menu boards shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in size (sign and copy area is calculated on one side only) and shall be positioned so as to be adjacent to that restaurant or business listed on the board and information on that board shall be placed in a manner which is clearly visible to pedestrian traffic. All signs shall be removed at the end of each business day. All signs shall be securely anchored to the ground.
(13) Murals are allowed and shall be reviewed for design by the Esparto Citizens Advisory Committee.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 14, Ord. 1466, eff. March 24, 2016)