Sec. 8-2.1202.   Definitions.
   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
   A-frame sign
   A temporary sign which has two (2) sides, the frame or support structure of which is hinged or connected at the top of the sign in such a manner that the sign is easily moved or erected.
   A sign is “abandoned” where, for a period of ninety (90) days or more, there is no sign copy appearing on the sign or where the establishment to which the sign is attached has ceased operation and it is clear that the sign has been forsaken and deserted.
   Agricultural sign
   A sign advertising the sale of agricultural products grown or produced in the agricultural areas of the County, or advertising other uses allowed in the agricultural zones.
   Amortization period
   The term “amortization period” refers to the period of time set forth in Section 8-2.1204, below.
   Animated sign
   A sign with action, motion, sound, or changing colors, including signs that blink or flash with fluctuating lights or other illuminating devices which have a changing light intensity, brightness or color.
   Directional and information signs
   Signs that are necessary to direct or inform the public as to the location of publicly-owned facilities or institutions, business districts or historic locations or districts, not including commercial information such as advertising for specific businesses or products.
   Effective date
   The term “effective date” refers to the date on which the ordinance substantially revising this section became effective.
   General business sign
   An on-premise sign, other than a monument, wall, or pole sign, which identifies a business or which advertises or promotes a commodity or service offered on the premises where such sign is located.
   Home occupation sign
   A sign used in conjunction with a home occupation.
   Identification sign
   A sign used to identify publicly-owned facilities or institutions, business districts or historic locations or districts, as well as individual communities, and may include a community’s name and logo, data, and the identification of community service organizations.
   Monument sign
   A “monument” sign is a sign which is completely freestanding and has its base on the ground on the same or adjacent parcels for the businesses that are being identified or advertised where the project utilizes common facilities, such as driveways and parking areas.
   Nonconforming sign
   Any sign that lawfully existed on the effective date of this ordinance but which does not conform to the provisions of this ordinance.
   Off-premises sign
   A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than upon the same lot or parcel on which said sign is located. This definition shall include billboards, posters, panels, painted bulletins, and similar advertising displays.
   Pole sign
   A permanent freestanding sign which is supported by one (1) or more poles in or upon the ground on the same or adjacent parcels for the businesses that are being identified or advertised where the project utilizes common facilities, such as driveways and parking areas.
   Political sign
   A temporary sign used in connection with a local, State, or national election or referendum.
   Projecting sign
   A “projecting” sign is a type of wall sign that extends horizontally from a building.
   Real estate sign
   A temporary sign pertaining to the sale or lease of the premises, or a portion of the premises, on which the sign is located.
   A “sign” shall mean anything whatsoever placed, erected, constructed, posted, painted, tacked, nailed, glued, stuck, carved, grown, or otherwise fastened, affixed, constructed, projected, produced, or made visible, including billboards, and signboards, for out-of-door advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever.
   A “suspended” sign is a type of wall sign that is attached to and located below any permanent eve, roof or canopy.
   Wall sign
   A permanent sign which is painted on or attached directly to a building surface and identifies or advertises businesses located within the building.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 14, Ord. 1466, eff. March 24, 2016; as amended by § 5, Ord. 1497, eff. June 7, 2018)