Sec. 8-2.1101.   Co-generation facilities.
   (a)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish permit requirements and development standards for co-generation energy facilities in the unincorporated area of Yolo County.
   (b)   Definitions.
   “Co-generation” means the production of electricity using waste heat (as in steam) from an industrial process or the use of steam from electric power generation as a source of heat.
   Co-generation facility
   “Co-generation facility” shall mean a facility which involves the generation of more than five hundred (500) kilowatts of power.
   Co-generation facility, small
   “Small co-generation facility” shall mean a facility which involves the generation of five hundred (500) kilowatts of power or less and does not create secondary uses on the site.
   (c)   Permits required.
   (1)   Construction of a co-generation facility located on lands zoned for agricultural uses (including the Agricultural Intensive (A-N) zone, the Agricultural Extensive (A-X) zone, the Agricultural Commercial (A-C) zone, and the Agricultural Industrial (A-I) zone), and on lands zoned for industrial uses (including the Heavy Industrial (I-H) and the Light Industrial (I-L) zone, but not in the Office Park/Research and Development (OPRD) zone), may be approved through the issuance of a Major Use Permit by the Planning Commission.
   (2)   Construction of a small co-generation facility located on properties zoned for agricultural and industrial uses may be approved through the issuance of a Minor Use Permit by the Zoning Administrator.
   (d)   Findings. Co-generation facilities of any size shall be approved in agricultural zones only if they are located so as to preserve as much land in agricultural production as possible, in addition to complying with all other requirements for issuance of a Use Permit.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)