(a) For the purposes of this section, the following definition shall apply:
“Commercial coach” shall mean “commercial coach” as defined in Section 18001.8 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. This section shall apply to the use of commercial coaches or modular offices where the intent is to locate the coach at the same site for more than six (6) months. Temporary uses of mobile homes and commercial coaches are governed by Section 8-2.1013 of this article.
(b) Permanent commercial coaches are allowed through the issuance of a Site Plan Review in the following zones, provided that the proposed use of the coach is an allowed or permitted use in the zone in which it is located:
(1) Agricultural Intensive (A-N) zone;
(2) Agricultural Extensive (A-X) zone;
(3) Agricultural Commercial (A-C) zone;
(4) Agricultural Industrial (A-I) zone;
(5) Light Industrial (I-L) zone;
(6) Heavy Industrial (I-H) zone;
(7) Parks and Recreation (P-R) zone;
(8) Public Open Space (POS) zone; and
(9) Public and Quasi-Public (PQP) zone.
(c) Permanent commercial coaches shall meet the following development standards:
(1) The commercial coach shall be constructed on a permanent foundation which meets the requirements of all agencies with jurisdiction.
(2) The elevation of the floor shall be the same as other commercial structures in the area.
(3) The commercial coach shall be covered with exterior siding materials and of colors which are consistent with other structures in the area.
(4) If the commercial coach is placed on an elevated foundation, the exterior siding shall extend to the ground.
(5) The roof line and overhang shall be consistent with other structures in the area.
(6) The commercial coach shall have a covered and/or recessed entrance.
(7) Handicapped ramps shall be required in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code.
(8) Landscaping shall be required around the perimeter of the commercial coach.
(9) Building components, such as windows, doors, caves, and parapets, shall be consistent with other structures in the area.
(10) Mechanical equipment on the roof, ground, or building shall be screened from the public view with materials harmonious with the structure or shall be located so as not to be viewed from public ways.
(11) Refuse and waste removal areas shall be screened from view from public ways with materials harmonious with the building.
(12) Utility services shall be underground.
(d) The Zoning Administrator may waive or modify any of the conditions set forth in Subsection (c) of this section where the Administrator finds that compliance with such conditions is unnecessary to achieve compatibility of the commercial coach or modular office with surrounding land uses.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)